Service & Trade

Largest Trade Companies by Revenues Growth

Rank 2021Company NameRevenue Change(%)Revenues NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoRevenues per Employee NIS (000) Parent CompanySector
Rank 2021Company NameRevenue Change(%)Revenues NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoRevenues per Employee NIS (000) Parent CompanySector
1T. A. R. Ideal Concepts 285.7363.4--60.32301,579.9Avnon EnterpriseGeneral trade
3CD-Log 60.0120.0---602,000.0-Import, distribution and marketing of computer equipment
4Rhenium 58.9318.0--78.51492,134.2Gdyr Holdings (2018)Wholesale Distribution of Med. Equip. & Medicines
5Benda Magnetic 52.9468.0---2172,156.7Benda InvestmentsImport, distribution and marketing of computer equipment
6 Ilex Medical
The company trades in Israel
49.3946.5120.612.7443.54212,248.1-Wholesale Distribution of Med. Equip. & Medicines
7 Freshmarket
The company trades in Israel
38.41,610.2116.17.2351.72,350685.2-Food Retail
8 Victory Supermarket Chain
The company trades in Israel
36.12,377.258.12.4313.83,375704.4-Food Retail
9F.K Electra Generators 28.9232.0--20.71701,364.7Electra Construction Input, Metal, Plumbing & Wood
11Super Sapir-Hachi Zol 24.9236.0---280842.9-Food Retail
12R. Shamai Import And Marketing 24.5188.0---902,088.9-Wholesale Consumer Products
13Semicom Industries 24.0315.0--87.01701,852.9Lior GovElectronic Appliance Import and Marketing Agencies
14Amtel Computers 22.2308.0---605,133.3Mango InvestmentsImport, distribution and marketing of computer equipment
15Tiv Taam Reshatot 22.11,380.749.63.6-1,1951,155.4Tiv Taam Hacarmel HoldingsFood Retail
16Machsanei Hashuk 21.92,073.0---2,250921.3Cohen Machsanei HaShukFood Retail
17Mody Ceramic Import & Marketing 21.6270.0---2051,317.1- Construction Input, Metal, Plumbing & Wood
18Sofer Avi 20.7350.0---1252,800.0A.A. Sofer InvestmentsElectronic Appliance Import and Marketing Agencies
19Bikorei Hasadeh Tzafon 1994 20.2595.0---3231,842.1L.M.D Hachm InvesmentsWholesale Food and Drinks Distribution
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2021yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.