Asalyeh General Trading and Transportation Ltd.

Import, marketing, and processing of iron for construction, logistics, and transportation

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Company's Profile

Established: 1991
Line of Business: Import, marketing, and processing of iron for construction, logistics, and transportation
Address: Office: Kfar Mashhad
Warehouse: Nof Hagalil Industrial Zone
Phone: 972-4-6517433
Fax: 972-4-6519862
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

    Muhammad Suleiman Abu Ali CEO
    Adv. Khalil Suleiman VP
    Salah Suleiman Chief Operating Officer
    Ali Suleiman Manager
    Amina Suleiman Senior accountant
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About Asalyeh General Trading and Transportation Ltd.

Asalyeh General Trading and Transportation Ltd. is one of the leading import and marketing companies of construction iron. The company imports construction iron from several countries, including Turkey and Ukraine, and wholesales to iron warehouses as well as directly to large construction companies and private contractors.
The long-established company was founded in 1991 by Muhammad Suleiman Abu Ali, who built and developed it gradually until it became a prominent player in its field. Today, the company is thriving, with annual growth of 10-20% in its human capital, and expected sales of about NIS 300 million in 2021.
The group consists of the parent company Asalyeh General Trading and Transportation Ltd., which coordinates the import and marketing activities, and the subsidiary Asalyeh Trading and Recycling, which provides transportation services to the parent company and external customers. The parent company currently employs about 30 individuals, including the senior management team who are involved in every aspect of its activity, as well as an engineer, accountants, an operations manager, and skilled workers with extensive experience in the industry. The subsidiary currently employs close to 20 members. The group is also active in the fields of iron processing for construction, collection of recyclable iron, and income-yielding assets.

Strong Team of Managers

Muhammad Suleiman Abu Ali, the company’s founder, and CEO has decades of experience operating and managing in the industry, and he is well versed in all the ins and outs. He worked as an agent for Koor’s steel plants in Acre, initially as a commission-based agent, and during the recovery period, he set out on an independent path, purchasing and marketing the products himself, and founded the Asalyeh company.
Second in the line of command is the company’s vice president, Adv. Khalil Suleiman, who holds a law degree from the Ono Academic Campus. He has been with the company since 2010 and has been on the senior management team since 2015. In addition to collections and sales, Khalil is in charge of executing deals at the company.
In addition, the senior management team includes Khalil’s brothers, Ali and Salah Suleiman, who are in charge of the company’s operations and logistics, as well as their sister, Amina Suleiman, who is in charge of the company’s financial management and has been its accountant for 30 years.

The subsidiary Asalyeh Trading and Recycling

The group’s logistics company provides transportation services to both the group’s companies and external customers. Asalyeh Trading and Recycling holds a fleet of about 20 modern and non-polluting iron transport trucks, which meet EU 6 standards and are driven by skilled drivers, through which it imports and distributes construction iron in its various forms to warehouses and its customers.
With the experience and skills of its managers and employees, the subsidiary contributes to the success of the group, given the dynamic and challenging aspects of the construction iron industry. These include forecasting and inventory management, dealing with bureaucracy, planning deliveries, and understanding customer requirements so that fast and timely deliveries can be made anywhere in the country. Asalyeh Group’s reputation as a company that provides quality service to its customers from all angles is based on reliability and accuracy in the transportation services they provide.

Vision and Strategy

Asalyeh puts its customers first. Due to its extensive experience and the mapping of customer needs performed by its skilled sales teams, the company fully understands its customers’ needs and delivers orders quickly and accurately. Due to the company’s efficient inventory management, it is able to take orders out on the day of the order for delivery. The company’s fleet of trucks enables the company to handle deliveries efficiently and to customer satisfaction.

In order to maintain growth, Asalyeh focuses on three main areas:
Expansion of the iron import and marketing activity, based on the company managers’ in-depth knowledge of the construction iron market in Israel and around the world, enables them to identify and take advantage of opportunities to expand the activity through acquisitions and collaborations. In addition, the company is in talks with large government-owned steel companies in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Expanding the logistics activity, both to continue to serve the marketing activities to the high standard set by the company and to expand its activity with external customers. Currently, the company plans to build a massive logistics center in Nof Hagalil in an area of about 20,000 square meters, which will include a gas station and commercial areas that will be leased to leading companies.
Expanding the iron processing activity, the company currently has an iron processing plant in Emanuel and a pile processing plant in Tira, and it is planning the establishment of another large iron processing plant, which will significantly expand its capacity.
In addition, the company owns a number of properties and land parcels that support its financial strength - 13 dunams for construction in Netanya, 5 dunams of residential space on Harofeh Street in Haifa, 21 dunams in Nof Hagalil, and others.