DAC Beachcroft

Law Firm

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Company's Profile

Established: 1792
Line of Business: Law Firm
Address: 25 Walbrook
London EC4N 8AF
Phone: 44(0)20 7894 6281
Linkedin: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Clarissa Coleman, DAC Beachcroft

    Clarissa Coleman

    Partner in Global Complex Commercial Litigation Department, London, DAC Beachcroft LLP

    DAC Beachcroft

    View Profile

    Clarissa Coleman
  • Sydney Fulda, DAC Beachcroft

    Sydney Fulda


    DAC Beachcroft

    View Profile

    Sydney Fulda
  • Hamza Drabu, DAC Beachcroft

    Hamza Drabu


    DAC Beachcroft

  • Clive Garston, DAC Beachcroft

    Clive Garston

    Consultant at DACBeachcroft LLP

    DAC Beachcroft

    View Profile

    Clive Garston
  • Tim Ryan, DAC Beachcroft

    Tim Ryan


    DAC Beachcroft

  • Ilana Gilbert, DAC Beachcroft

    Ilana Gilbert

    Senior Associate

    DAC Beachcroft

    View Profile

    Ilana Gilbert
Icon About

About DAC Beachcroft

DAC Beachcroft is a leading international legal business with offices across Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. We partner with our clients to help them achieve sustainable growth and to defend their business and reputation. We do this by taking a tailored approach to providing commercial, transactional, claims, risk and advisory legal services.

We are recognised leaders in Insurance, Health and Real Estate and draw on the knowledge, industry experience and commercial expertise of our outstanding 2,600 lawyers and support colleagues in these sectors and beyond.

The close working relationship we enjoy with our clients has not been built overnight but honed carefully over the last 250 years. This means today our clients can remain confident they have the very best legal expertise available.



Israel is an important region for DACB and we have a dedicated global business group.  DACB Lawyers have advised Israeli clients across a wide range of practice areas and sectors from Aim listings to major arbitrations to advising London Market insurers on claims in Israel.


Our team

Our Israel Desk members understand the culture of Israeli business, having spent time in Israel and visiting regularly.  We have a number of Hebrew speakers.

Our Israel Desk is made up of lawyers from the UK, Latin America, Europe and Asia.  We can assist in many other jurisdictions through our Legalign alliance and other law firms with whom we have close relationships.


What we offer

DACB are known for our expertise :

- Health including Med Tech.

- Insurance

- Tech

- Corporate

- Litigation and Arbitration (including ICC, LCIA, SIAC and Beth Din arbitrations)

- Commercial and Intellectual Property

- Real Estate and Construction

We are market leaders in the Insurance and Health sectors and are uniquely placed to use our expertise to introduce Israeli companies and start-ups into the UK ecosystem.

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Facts & Numbers

65% International Activity


International Activity

Operating since 1792

Operating since


Equality Trophy of the Paris Bar  #1  in 2019

Equality Trophy of the Paris Bar


in 2019