Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

Commercial litigation, contracts, insolvency, tort and medical malpractice, real estate, labor law, traffic law, taxation, military law, corporations, receivership and liquidations, execution

Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm
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Company's Profile

Established: 2009
Line of Business: Insolvency, bankruptcy, litigation, writs of execution, freezing assets, receiverships, break-ups, land law, military law, labor laws
Address: Main Offices: 11 Menachem Begin St., Rogovin Tower, 24st floor, Ramat Gan
Northern branch: 7 Sapir St., Sela Binui Buildings 2nd floor, Haifa
Tel: 972-4-6900777 Fax: 972-4-6900770
Southern Branch: 12 Itzhak Ben-Zvi St., Kinor David Building, 1st floor, Beer Sheva
Tel: 972-8-9195560 Fax: 972-8-9195570
New York Branch: 26 Park Cir.,
Great Neck, Great Neck, NY 11024, USA
Phone: 972-3-6477733
Fax: 972-76-5400750
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Lirom Sende, Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    Lirom Sende

    Owner & Founder

    Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    View Profile

    Lirom Sende
  • Tomer Nagola, Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    Tomer Nagola

    Head of Transportation Department

    Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

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    Tomer Nagola
  • Amit  Meir, Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    Amit Meir

    Head of Real-Estate Department

    Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

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    Amit Meir
  • Yossi Baruch, Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    Yossi Baruch

    Head of Taxation Department

    Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    View Profile

    Yossi Baruch
  • Dvorit Herkevi, Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    Dvorit Herkevi

    Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

    View Profile

    Dvorit Herkevi
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About Lirom Sende, Lahav & Co., Law Firm

Lirom Sende Law Firm has been one of Israel’s top 25 law firms for 5 consecutive years, and has been ranked as the top mul-ti-disciplinary firm in Israel for 3 years in a row. The firm is renowned and leading in its practice area according to the Dun’s 100 and BDICODE rankings, and is also influential internationally.

The firm’s personnel, which currently includes more than 90 lawyers and more than 130 workers, attorneys, economists, accountants, IT staff, and administrative staff assists thousands of clients and provides consultancy, representation and comprehensive legal accompaniment in their respective cases, continuously aiming to achieve excellence, and being completely dedicated to obtaining the best results possible for every client.

At every branch of the firm exists a dedicated management team composed of the attorneys directly responsible for its daily operations. The branches are subdivided into departments that give immediate and concurrent service clients which apply for consultations and handling of their cases.

Adv. Sende enriches the knowledge of the lawyers at the firm – in all matters related to the firm’s fields of expertise – by organizing seminars, workshops, and classes which serve the staff in their work. Over the years, the firm’s name became synonymous with the best legal service, the confidence and the partnership with its clients. It is esteemed and recognized as a leading Israeli firm, which provides legal service in the full spectrum of its practice areas.

The firm’s professional reputation has been built, inter alia, on its extensive experience and successes in representing its clients, on an ongoing basis and in complex transactions. This reputation is consistently translated into recognition by the ranking guides as a leading and renown firm. The firm’s team of lawyers includes some of the best and most brilliant legal minds who remain constantly abreast of legal developments and legislation amendments, in light of their direct involvement in many of the legislations and regulations that influence and shape the Israeli economy.

The firm’s clients benefit from a unique combination of international standards and local excellence, and receive creative, business-oriented and highly-innovative legal counsel, in order to fulfill their legal needs and achieve their business goals.

The firm serves as a one-stop-shop for its clients. Accordingly, the firm has lawyers from every commercial law branch, who provide a comprehensive, professional and fast response for all of the legal needs of clients from various sectors and fields.

The firm has three branches in Israel – Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be’er Sheva. The firm has extensions in the U.S., which are located in NYC, Los Angeles and Miami. 

The Firm’s Departments

Insolvency and representation of Individuals and Companies: This is Israel’s largest department in this field, headed by Adv. Lirom Sende. The firm handles moratoriums for limited liability companies, creditors arrangements for companies, individuals insolvency procedures, receivership and insolvency orders, debt restructurings, removal of seizures and limitations, debt relief for Israelis residing abroad, handling illegal lenders, abusive grey-market loans and more.

Transportation Law: The department, headed by Adv. Tomer Nagola, handles the representation and support in cases of fatal road accidents, reinstating suspended licenses, canceling speeding tickets, representation of defendant in severe and complex road accidents, DUI, reinstating licenses that were revoked due to penalty points or medical examinations, and more.

Tort and Medical Malpractice: The firm’s Tort Department, headed by Adv. Dvorit Harcabi, has fertile and extensive operations in the field of torts and insurance, which includes weekly appearances before all of the courts and tribunals, mediations, and arbitrations. The department’s team has an impressive track record of achievement in cases concerning road accidents, workplace accidents, sport accidents and more.

The Real Estate, Planning and Zoning Department: The firm coordinates vast and intensive real-estate-related legal operations under the management of Adv. Meir Amit. The firm is involved in a wide variety of large and complex projects, including the construction of residential buildings, urban renewal (Pinui-Binui and Tama 38) projects and facilitation of real estate transactions in Israel and abroad.  

Labor Law: The department, under the leadership of Adv. Moshe Ben Basat, handles complex issues related to labor adjudication, whose handling requires a diversified and rich professional background. The firm is proud to provide effective and practical consultancy to resolve matters without legal recourse, on the one hand, while also accompanying lawsuits in the hundreds (at any given moment) on the other, and thus representing thousands of clients in courts around Israel.

The Taxation Department: Under the leadership of Adv. Yossi Ben Baruch, the firm developed a broad, comprehensive and integrative perspective of the full realms of civil and criminal tax.

Banking: The firm represents private clients before various banking conglomerates and credit companies in legal proceedings involving banks, and files suits against banks for violating their fiduciary responsibilities.

Military Law: The L.S. firm represents soldiers in the IDF in any matter concerning martial court. This department, chaired by Adv. Benjamin Malka, assists soldiers who ran into difficulties, from dereliction of duty, narcotics, dishonorable conduct, reserve duty release, positional investigations, etc.

Litigation and Courts: The firm is the Israeli record holder in the daily and monthly numbers of court hearings. The firm represents its regular clients, some of Israel’s largest and leading entities, and also other significant Israeli clients.

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