Oracle Real Estate Development

Initiating and carrying out urban renewal projects

Oracle Real Estate Development
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Company's Profile

Established: 2008
Line of Business: Initiating and carrying out urban renewal projects
Address: 5 HaHilazon St., Ramat Gan
Phone: 972-3-7236500
Fax: 972-3-7236501
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Adi   Reisner, Oracle Real Estate Development

    Adi Reisner

    Founder and Owner

    Oracle Real Estate Development

  • Ofer Reisner, Oracle Real Estate Development

    Adv. Ofer Reisner

    Founder and Owner

    Oracle Real Estate Development

  • Gadi Zilberberg, Oracle Real Estate Development

    Adv. Gadi Zilberberg

    Founder and Owner

    Oracle Real Estate Development

  • Amit  Blumenfeld, Oracle Real Estate Development

    CPA Amit Blumenfeld


    Oracle Real Estate Development

    View Profile

    Amit Blumenfeld
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About Oracle Real Estate Development

Oracle specializes in initiating and building residential projects, including buildings for conservation that require a high level of technique and precision. The company’s portfolio comprises over 250 apartments in Central Israel, including in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, Kiryat Ono and Herzliya.
The company was founded in 2008 with urban renewal as its main mission. It has successfully completed projects in which the residents have returned to their renovated homes, as well as projects that are currently at various stages of construction and those that are in the planning and authorization stage. All the projects are supervised and guided by bankers.
Thanks to Oracle’s extensive experience, the company offers a significant advantage in the field of ‘Tama 38/3’ urban renewal projects. It has completed a number of successful projects in Givatayim, Ramat Gan, Herzliya, and Tel Aviv. Oracle offers apartment owners an opportunity to undergo the Tama 38 process at no cost; and apartment owners enjoy renovated apartments that appear new and contemporary, as well as a renovated building that includes elevators, underground parking and updated infrastructure – helping property values surge.

Transparency and Reliability

Oracle confers utmost importance to the quality of its service, and our top management is committed to providing personal and loyal service throughout the process until the apartment is returned to the client. Oracle has the highest respect for its clients’ wishes and invests a great deal of effort in personally getting to know our clients, their desires and their needs. Accordingly, a smart package is designed for clients in each project.
Oracle has set new standards of service, focusing on a human approach, meeting deadlines and placing emphasis on the small details. Oracle is committed to ‘green’ construction according to the highest standards in all its projects.

The Team

The company’s shareholders, Adv. Ofer Reisner, Adv. Gadi Zilberberg and Adi Reisner, have extensive experience in real estate development, management and execution as well as in the establishment of residential real estate projects in Israel and the world, for over 25 years. This experience is a unique strength that Oracle’s clients appreciate.
CPA Amit Blumenfeld, CEO – Amit, CEO of the company since 2010, who has a B.A. in Business Management and an M.A. in Law, has been an accountant for over 25 years and an Accounting lecturer. His experience includes positions such as financial director of real estate investment companies, which entailed managing construction projects and budgets in Israel and abroad while working closely with construction financing institutions. His long-term experience brings the added value of in-depth knowledge concerning the feasibility of transactions – thereby contributing to the professional excellence for which the company is known for.

Prominent Projects

Oracle initiates and builds projects throughout Israel’s Central Region, including in Givatayim, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, and Tel Aviv. The company’s projects consist of unique apartment buildings with a variety of different types of apartments, such as pleasant rooftop apartments and spacious penthouses with spectacular urban views, at an exclusive and uncompromising building standard.

Among our Projects:

3 Avner, Ramat Gan – Completed and populated
35 Saadia HaGaon, Tel Aviv – Completed and populated
13 HaMaagal, Givatayim – Completed and populated
4 Motza, Ramat Gan – Completed and populated
22 Yigal Alon, Herzliya – Completed and populated
11 Ha Lamed Hei, Givatayim – Completed and populated
10 Ben-Zion Israeli, Givatayim – Completed and populated
1-3 Haneurim, Herzliya – Completed and populated
6 Ha’asif, Herzliya – Completed and populated

29 Hahagana, Givatayim – Under construction - The project is located in the heart of the Rambam neighborhood of Givatayim, which in recent years has become a highly sought-after area for young couples. As part of the project, a spectacular residential building is being built; an extraordinary opportunity to purchase new 3, 4 and 5 room apartments.

22 Ha-Meri, Givatayim – Under construction - The project is located in the heart of Givatayim. As part of the project, a spectacular residential building is being built; an extraordinary opportunity to purchase new 3, 4, 5 room apartments, a penthouse and garden apartments.

15 Rachel, Givatayim – Under construction - The project is located in the heart of the Rambam neighborhood of Givatayim, which in recent years has become a highly sought-after area for young couples. As part of the project, a spectacular residential building is being built; an extraordinary opportunity to purchase new 3, 4 and 5 room apartments.

30 Jabotinsky, Givatayim – Under construction - The project is located in the heart of Givatayim. As part of the project, a spectacular residential building is being built, which is an extraordinary opportunity to purchase new 3, 4, 5 room apartments and garden apartments.

3 Karl Netter, Ramat Gan – Under construction – HaBiluiim neighborhood in Ramat Gan is going a makeover. With a lot of greenery and ample public gardens, the project portrays the height of the city's urban renewal. The project offers new and spacious 3 and 4 room apartments and a penthouse with a spectacular urban view.

Oracle is currently working on multiple projects that are at different stages of completion, including 17 Herzog in Givatayim, 45 Jabotinsky in Tel Aviv, 98 Shlomo Hamelech in Tel Aviv, 31 Yona St. in Ramat Gan, Gordon 35b Givatayim, 2, 4 Peat HaShulchan and 13 Benyamini, Tel Aviv.

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Facts & Numbers

27 Total Projects


Total Projects

7 Total populated projects


Total populated projects

5 Total projects in progress


Total projects in progress

4 Total projects for execution


Total projects for execution

11 Total projects in the planning stages


Total projects in the planning stages