Basis Engineering Ltd.

Initiation, Construction, Urban Renewal

Basis Engineering Ltd.
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Company's Profile

Established: 2008
Line of Business: Initiation, Construction, Urban Renewal
Address: 5 Fryman st. Rishon Letzion
Phone: 972-3-5451551
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

Leading Executives

    Shinawi Hisham CEO
    Raja Shinawi Co-CEO
    Sigal Pinkas Marketing Manager
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About Basis Engineering Ltd.

Basis Engineering Ltd. was founded in 2008 as a private company for executing construction engineering works. The company’s operations are divided into two main fields: self-executed initiated projects and execution contracting for other constructors and developers. In the framework of its contracting works, Basis is building projects for Israel’s largest construction companies in the high-demand areas in central Israel. The company, currently, has 40 employees and another 300 workers through sub-contractors who receive their benefits, respectful and fair professional treatment. The company has an unlimited C-5 contractor classification.

Quality Standards, Compliance with Schedules and Professionalism

Basis Engineering is a member of the “Israel Contractors and Builders Association” and is certified by the IIS as a Selected Contractor for Government Construction Works and is also an Approved Contractor of the Ministry of Defense. In addition, it is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Over the years, the company positioned itself in the sector as a leading residential and construction company as well as Urban Renewal, which strictly maintains its high-quality construction standards, green building principles, workers’ safety, usage of high-quality construction materials, innovative work methods and advanced automation, high finishing levels, reliability and constant compliance with the schedules. With the opening of 2023, Basis Engineering Ltd., won two tenders for the construction of 64 new apartment units in the Nuriyot and Hatzavim neighborhoods in Rishon LeZion.

Financial Strength

Alongside the company’s intensive growth, it has yielding properties in Tel Aviv. The growth of its operations and its physical assets provide Basis Engineering with a significant financial strength which greatly assists it in promoting all of its simultaneous projects.

The Company’s Headquarters

The company’s CEO is Shinawi Hisham, who has 15 years of construction experience. His initial experience was gained through his late father, who was a renovation contractor, and since he joined, the company’s classification and scope of operations started to increase. Hisham is a Construction Practical Engineer and his executive team includes Mahmud Mansur - Execution engineer, Raja Shinawi - BizDev Manager, Bilal Sa’id - Accountant, Tofik Awad - chief financial officer, Merav Levi - General Counsel- and Sigal Pinkas – Marketing and Projects Promotion Manager.

Selected Projects

As mentioned, the company engages in entrepreneurship and self-execution and in addition, over the years it has built dozens of leading and outstanding projects for external construction companies throughout the country.

Self-Executed Company-Initiated Projects

Tchelet Ma’alot: Winning Israel Land Authority of a 14 acres area and construction of 80 new residential units. The project is under construction.
196 HaRoe St. Ramat Gan: An Urban Renewal project. Demolition and reconstruction. Demolition of 12 residential units and construction of 42 new residential units. The project is under construction.
5 Ben Zion, Bat Yam: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 16 existing apartments, and 15 new additional residential units.
41 Ussishkin St., Rishon LeZion: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 16 existing apartments and 10 new additional residential units. Completed and populated.
39 Ussishkin St., Rishon LeZion: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 16 existing apartments and 10 new additional new residential units. The project is under construction.
4 Vygotsky St., Rishon LeZion: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 16 existing apartments and 10 new additional residential units. Completed and populated.
14-16 Spinoza, Rishon Le Zion: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 23 existing apartments and 16 new additional residential units. The project is under construction.
14-16-18-20 Kiryat Sefer St., Rishon LeZion: An Urban Renewal project, that will be carried out in 4 buildings of 64 existing apartments and 40 new additional residential units. A permit application has been submitted.
3-5 Pines St., Rishon LeZion: An Urban Renewal project. A building with 24 existing apartments and 15 new additional residential units. A permit under conditions was received.
Vigodtsky Complex, Jerusalem: A Pinui-Binui project. Demolition of 68 residential units and reconstruction of 240 residential units, as well as a 1500 sq.m. commercial floor.

Projects as an Execution Contractor

133 Uziel St., Rama Gan: An Urban Renewal project. Demolition and reconstruction project where the company served as the main contractor for Africa Israel, and built a 9-storey building with 25 residential units and 2 underground floors. Completed and populated.
101 Karnitzi St., Ramat Gan: An Urban Renewal project. A demolition and reconstruction project, where the company served as the main contractor for Africa Israel, and built a 10-storey building with 37 new additional residential units and 2 underground floors. Completed and populated.
17 HaBanim St., Ramat Gan: An Urban Renewal project.
A demolition and reconstruction project, where the company serves as the main contractor for Mishab Ltd., and building a 10-storey building with 36 new additional residential units and 3 underground floors. The project is under construction.
151-153 HaRoe Ramat Gan: An Urban Renewal project. A demolition and reconstruction project in which the company is the leading contractor for A.T. Urban Renewal. The company is building two 10-storey buildings and 108 new additional residential units, as well as 3 underground floors. The project is under construction.
12-14 Ruth, Ramat Gan: An Urban Renewal project. A demolition and reconstruction project in which the company is the leading contractor for Kotel Real Estate company. The company is building a 10-storey building and 39 new additional residential units, as well as 3 underground floors. The project is under construction.
3 Yitzhak Sade, Givatayim: An Urban Renewal project. A demolition and reconstruction in which the company is the leading contractor for Psagot Givatayim Ltd. The company is building a 9-storey building and 30 new additional residential units, as well as 3 underground floors. The project is under construction.

Basis Engineering Ltd., is considered one of the leading Real Estate companies in Israel for the fourth year in a row, according to Duns 100 scoring. Choosing Basis Engineering Ltd., to build your new apartment is a choice of excellence and quality.