Construction & Real Estate

Construction & Development

Rank 2024Company NameRevenuesRevenues Change(%)Equity NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsEmployees NoParent Company
Rank 2024Company NameRevenuesRevenues Change(%)Equity NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsEmployees NoParent Company
10Bst Group E.A.W 1,310.022.2636.984.5270-
18 Amos Luzon Entrepreneurship And Energy Group
The company trades in Israel
20Etzh Hashaked Engineering 824.0-17.6--220Almond Tree Technologies 2020
21Asum Building Contracting Co. 820.0-16.8380.0110.0185-
22Omer Construction 730.0-1.4410.0-150-
29Israel Brothers 606.013.52,124.0-45-
30 Kardan Real Estate
The company trades in Israel
604.5-2.5732.670.5107Kardan Israel
33 Hagag Group
The company trades in Israel
35Rom 544.4-16.294.4-228Amos Luzon Entrepreneurship And Energy Group
38Avraham Yitzhak Group 520.00.0--80-
41Electra Danko 508.0-19.6--144Electra
48Reisdor 450.0-3.6360.0119.085-
49Trigo Group
Company data are evaluated
51E.F.I. Natif Develpment 420.034.0--35-
54Yaniv Engineering 405.08.3--105Yaniv G Properties (2013)
59Lati Group 398.46.0381.073.080Lati Yossi Group
60Development Meitzar 397.594.0--7-
61Shamir Engineering Enterprices (1995) 388.1-1.0159.861.160Y.S. Shamir Initiations & Engineering
62Fadlon Group / Shponder & Fadlon 385.09.4--65-
64Ram Aderet 378.0-23.9215.0-120-
66 Prashkovsky
The company trades in Israel
69Abu Ayash Bros. 360.024.170.0-70Khmsa Investors
72El-Har Engineering & Construction 331.9-4.3102.636.479Kardan Real Estate Enterprise And Development
76Sade Projects 320.0-0.942.0-80S.I. Supervising
77Poldmir Construction 309.015.335.0-74Lesico
78 Dunietz- Elad
The company trades in Israel
80A. Weiss Building & Supervision
Company data are evaluated
300.0----Tgs. Weiss. Holding Corporation
89Bitolit 245.022.540.0-17-
91Elrawabi Trade and Investments 233.0-13.128.0-0-
94Ogalim 210.0-9.1--40-
95Sahronim Building And Develop 210.010.585.0-38Sharonim N.G Holdings
99PHI Construction & Engineering 194.06.0--100-
100Efgad Engineering and Construction Company 185.2-12.381.3-70Efgad Group
102Amgad Building 185.026.421.0-25A. Nadav Holdings (2011)
104A.A. ABU RAS - Building & Development Works 182.0-31.6--40-
106Dar Nofarim 180.010.7190.025.038S.S. Rotem
108Regavim - Regavim
Company data are evaluated
109Denisra International 177.040.5178.0-60YAHAD P.L.Z.M..
110J.yankovich 155.011.522.4-35-
111Kofman Entrepreneurship & Construction 154.0-22.2140.0-100-
112Delouya 150.00.0--40-
115G.N. Projects 143.0-4.716.9-57-
118Vaknin Amram and Sons
126Fathi Brothers Building Company 123.0-29.0110.0-95-
128A.H. Haled Construction
135Shmuel Baruch Management & Building 100.040.830.06.625-
136Robin Landsman Construction Engineering 98.0-19.0--20-
137Om Brothers 91.3-55.6--9.013-
141Onellco 83.411.924.32.330-
142Yaakobi Universal 83.1-55.0--25-
143Shlomo Cohen Building Company 79.8-24.2130.0-20-
145Shevet Binyamin 73.6-33.2--45-
149Emad Tahah Development & Construction Works 68.8-
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUNS 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUNS 100.