Sabih Laldoagan Ltd.

Marketing Fresh Poultry

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Company's Profile

Established: 2021
Line of Business: Marketing Fresh Poultry
Address: 52/52 Atarot St., Jerusalem 9711400
Phone: 972-2-9404666
Fax: 972-2-9404660
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Hussam Sabih, Sabih Laldoagan Ltd.

    Hussam Sabih

    Founder and Owner

    Sabih Laldoagan Ltd.

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About Sabih Laldoagan Ltd.

Sabih Laldoagan Ltd. is one of the largest players in the Israeli non-Kosher poultry market. The company was founded in 2011 by the businessman Hussam Sabih and its operations span a poultry marketing factory with about 25 workers and administrators and a company-owned slaughterhouse which employs about 40-50 professional and skilled butchers.

The company buys live poultry specimens from Israel’s largest poultry suppliers, and these specimens are slaughtered in the adjacent company-owned slaughterhouse and transferred to the factory for carving into pieces in accordance with the customer’s requirements (breasts, thighs, drumsticks, wings, whole, spring chicken).

The company has customers across Israel, from central district to Be’er Sheva in the south, including the cities of the Triangle, Ramla, Lod and Jerusalem. The company also markets live poultry in the towns of the Palestinian Authority.
Sabih Laldoagan provides its poultry products to customers through a fleet of seven refrigeration trucks.
80% of the company’s products are marketed in the Arab sector and the remaining 20% in the KFC chain and Israeli food retail businesses.

An Exclusive Supplier of the KFC Chain

Sabih Laldoagan’s poultry products are wholesale marketed to supermarkets, butcher shops, hotels and restaurants. The company’s anchor customer is the KFC chain, which entered Israel in 2019 with its first branch in Nazareth and has opened since another 18 branches across Israel with an impressive growth outlook. Sabih Laldoagan is KFC’s exclusive poultry supplier, and it was picked due to the quality of the meat and the compliance with the strictest food standards.

Meeting the Strictest Quality Standards

The company complies with the HACCP food safety standards. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points – a system for identifying, evaluating and controlling significant food safety risks. Furthermore, the company-owned slaughterhouse is subject to strict and close veterinarian supervision by the Ministry of Agriculture. Beyond all of the above, the company is meticulously supervised by the global KFC in order to meet the chain’s standards of excellence. For this purpose, the company is visited annually by representatives of KFC to conduct in-depth tests of the quality of its poultry products.