Eco City
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Company's Profile

Established: 2008
Line of Business: Urban Renewal
Address: 7 HaOmanim St., 3rd Floor, Tel Aviv
Phone: *6598
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Efrat Tolkovsky, Eco City

    Dr. Efrat Tolkovsky


    Eco City

  • Rover Shagrawi, Eco City

    Rover Shagrawi


    Eco City

  • Dudu Reshef, Eco City

    Dudu Reshef


    Eco City

  • Illy Berr, Eco City

    Illy Berr


    Eco City

  • Avi Leibovich, Eco City

    Avi Leibovich

    VP, Marketing and Sales

    Eco City

  • Shai Ben Hamo, Eco City

    Shai Ben Hamo

    Adv. VP, Development

    Eco City

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About Eco City

Eco City is a leading real estate company that specializes in urban renewal, with an emphasis on the city of Tel Aviv, with meticulous attention to environmental protection, professional excellence and first-class construction quality. The company has been operating, for more than a decade, for rejuvenating the city of Tel Aviv, from the moment its partners decided to specialize in urban renewal projects in this city. Shagrawi Leibovich Ltd., one of the partners in Eco City, brings to the table the longstanding knowhow and professional experience that it accumulated since its establishment.

Alongside Eco City’s financial strength, HaPoalim Bank joined the company as a partner through Poalim Capital Markets, the bank’s non-marketable investments arm, in 2021. Eco City is entrusted with completing the largest number of urban renewal projects in Tel Aviv, out of all the companies which are active in this field in this city. The company has dozens of projects at various stages of execution and planning, and it is promoting dozens of additional projects amounting to hundreds of apartments, all within the Tama 38/2 (demolition and reconstruction) and urban renewal (“Pinui-Binui”) programs, located at the center of Tel Aviv, Givatayim, and Ramat Gan.

A Developer and a Contractor with Involved Partners, Allowing Peace of Mind for its Tenants

Eco City’s unique strength is its status as both the development company and the execution contracting company. This combination provides its customers with the added value of peace of mind across the entire journey, since the company’s professional excellence is expressed in all of the project’s stages, and in particular in the accuracy that is required for building urban renewal projects in Tel Aviv, in light of the complexity of the field and the location.

Since its establishment, Eco City has been executing all of the projects which are entrusted to it through an in-house construction organization. This enables the company to control the timetables and the construction quality of the projects that it executes, with attention to the work quality and the finishing level in every project.

From the very first day of the company’s incorporation, the partners have been personally involved in every project, throughout the entire process, from the negotiations with the apartment owners, through the architectural planning, which is executed by the company’s in-house architecture department, the marketing and the sale of the apartments, and up to the construction of the building with the company as the execution contractor.

Mega-Project at the Heart of Tel Aviv

Eco City is developing, planning and executing dozens of projects in the city, and in fact it is currently executing the largest urban renewal project in the center of Tel Aviv, where more than 850 new apartments would be built within a few years. The project includes more than 40 buildings, all located within a radius of less than 1,000 meters.

Alongside its operations in central Tel Aviv, the company is also promoting large “Pinui-Binui” projects in Givatayim and Ramat Gan in the framework of expanding its initiation activities.