Service & Trade

Waste Treatment, Removal & Recycling Services

Rank 2015CompanyOperating Revenues (NIS Millions)Change (%)Equity (NIS Millions)Employees No.Operating Revenues per Employee (NIS Thousands)Parent CompanyMain Rank 2015 - Services
Rank 2015CompanyOperating Revenues (NIS Millions)Change (%)Equity (NIS Millions)Employees No.Operating Revenues per Employee (NIS Thousands)Parent CompanyMain Rank 2015 - Services
1TMM 507.07.9107.0620817.7Veolia Environmental Services Israel48
2Y.R.A.V 378.04.032.0550687.3T.M.M Integrated Recycling Industries*
3Amnir Recycling Industries
Company data are evaluated
308.0354870.1Hadera Paper68
4Mifat 202.012.9400505.178
5ESC 158.4-30.558.1200791.8State of Israel88
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page