City People - Urban Renewal
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Company's Profile

Established: 2007
Line of Business: Urban Renewal
Address: 46 Herbert Samuel St., Sea Twin Towers, Tel Aviv
Tel: *3821
Phone: 972-3-5173838
Fax: 972-3-5105880
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Ron Chen, City People - Urban Renewal

    Ron Chen

    Founder and Owner

    City People - Urban Renewal

    View Profile

    Ron Chen
  • Gilia Breger Kolitz, City People - Urban Renewal

    Gilia Breger Kolitz

    V.P. Operations, Deputy CEO

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Morr Warszawski Yaniv, City People - Urban Renewal

    Morr Warszawski Yaniv

    V.P. Finance

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Yarden Aharoni, City People - Urban Renewal

    Yarden Aharoni

    V.P., Legal Counsel and Company Secretary

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Gal Oren, City People - Urban Renewal

    Gal Oren

    V.P. Engineering

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Eyal Harari, City People - Urban Renewal

    Eyal Harari

    V.P. Planning

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Rotem Winter, City People - Urban Renewal

    Rotem Winter

    V.P. Business Development

    City People - Urban Renewal

  • Liat  Weisbord Reouveni, City People - Urban Renewal

    Liat Weisbord Reouveni

    V.P. Marketing and Sales

    City People - Urban Renewal

Icon About

About City People - Urban Renewal

City People is an entrepreneurial company that specializes in the initiation, management, and construction of residential projects within the framework of urban renewal, focusing on projects in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Herzliya, Givatayim, and Bat Yam. The company is among the leading firms in the field of demolition and construction, Tama 38, and urban renewal according to Globes and Madlan rankings. City People was founded by three Air Force fighter pilots, including the CEO, Ron Hen. City People has been demonstrating proven success in leading and managing complex projects under challenging timelines, for over 15 years. The company executed one of the first projects under the Tama 38 program in Tel Aviv-Yafo and delivered the first demolition and construction project under the Neighborhoods Plan. City People is currently leading approx. 60 unique urban renewal projects, including large-scale demolition and construction projects, and new residential buildings, focusing on Tel Aviv-Yafo. The company collaborates with Israel’s leading architectural firms, which are responsible for planning the projects, under the supervision of the company’s internal architecture and planning department. 

Sound Financial Backing

City People is a subsidiary of Rotshtein Real Estate, a public company that has been operating for about 70 years, which initiates and executes large-scale residential and commercial projects, nationwide. The strategic partnership between the companies, combined with experience and financial capabilities, enables City People to initiate and construct significant projects with full banking support for each project. This forte facilitates the acceleration of the company’s strategy implementation and continuous growth within its scope of activities. In 2023, the company completed a successful issuance of its first bond series and received high demand, indicating firm trust from institutional organizations and leading investors in Israel. 

Transparency and Dedicated Customer Service as Leading Values

City People was awarded with Madlan’s Transparency Award, as the company with the highest ratings from apartment owners in Tel Aviv-Yafo. The company prioritizes the well-being of its residents and maintains dedicated service in all its activities, knowing that urban renewal projects present a complex process for the apartment owners living in the building. Therefore, City People invests significant resources in order to keep in touch with property owners, to provide them with a different and friendly experience throughout the project’s lifecycle. 

Property Owners as Community Partners

Today, many apartment buyers seek a sense of community in their future residence. City People is a part of the community of property owners in its projects, and believes property owners are partners with shared interests. City People is committed to building apartments and buildings that enhance the quality of life for property owners and remains a full partner not only until the keys are delivered, but also as a life partner after the project’s completion. 

Selected Projects

35-45 La Guardia Complex, Tel Aviv: A demolition and construction project. Six terraced houses, totaling 114 residential units, will be demolished for the construction of a new residential complex with 420 housing units, commercial frontage on La Guardia, and a public building.
60-62 Lohamei Gallipoli Complex, Tel Aviv: A NOP 38/2 (demolition and construction) project. Two terraced houses with 28 residential units will be demolished for the construction of a new residential complex with 72 residential units on 8 floors.
60-64 Ma’apilei Egoz St., Tel Aviv: A demolition, construction, and densification project. As part of the project, which combines demolition and densification, a terraced house will be demolished and replaced by a 22-story tower including public spaces on the ground floor. The new project will include about 157 new residential units.
8-16 Almagor St., Tel Aviv: A demolition and construction project that includes 5 old buildings. A new complex with 3 high-rise buildings and a 30-story tower will be constructed. A total of 260 residential units will be constructed, some of which will be for long-term rental.
Reines Workers’ Dormitories, Tel Aviv: A unique demolition-construction-densification-preservation project. The historical building currently has about 78 residential units and a commercial unit, which will be transformed into a new complex including a complete renewal of existing buildings and partial demolition. The complex will include the renewal and upgrading of the inner courtyard and include shared spaces for the residents.
Horkanos Complex, Tel Aviv: A demolition and reconstruction project. A complex building with 95 residential units and commercial spaces will become a 6-story building with a setback roof, with 145 residential units and shops.
19 Remez St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of a 12 residential unit building and construction of a 6-story building with two setback floors, including 20 housing units.
4 Muzir St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of a 12 residential unit building and construction of a 6-story building with two setback floors, including 25 residential units.
10 Modigliani St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of a 12 residential unit building and construction of a 6-story building with two setback floors, including 21 residential units.
1 Bezalel St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of an 8 residential unit building and construction of a 6-story building with two setback floors, including 18 residential units.
11-13 Pinkas St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of a 26 residential unit building and construction of an 8-story building with two setback floors, including 48 residential units.
7 Katznelson St.: A demolition and reconstruction project. Demolition of a 15 residential unit building and construction of a 6-story building with two setback floors, including 25 residential units.
18 Clay St.: The first demolition and reconstruction project delivered under the Neighborhoods Plan 4. Demolition of a 13-unit building and construction of an 8-story building with two setback floors, including 24 residential units.
3 Melchett St.: The historic Bialik House, the residence of Chaim Nachman Bialik’s family. A building for preservation, including restoration and an addition of 2.5 floors.

Icon Projects


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Facts & Numbers

23 Total Projects


Total Projects

17 Total Projects before building permit


Total Projects before building permit

3 Total Projects after building permit


Total Projects after building permit

3 Total Projects Populated in 2018


Total Projects Populated in 2018