Mytown Group
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Company's Profile

Established: 2010
Line of Business: Urban renewal
Address: 7 Menachem Begin Rd.,
Gibor Sport House, Ramat Gan
Phone: 972-3-9738383
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Yossi  Hasson, Mytown Group

    Yossi Hasson


    Mytown Group

    View Profile

    Yossi Hasson
  • Guy  Luxman, Mytown Group

    Guy Luxman

    Head of Urban Renewal Division

    Mytown Group

  • Omer Bony, Mytown Group

    Omer Bony

    Deputy CEO

    Mytown Group

  • Miki Itzkovich, Mytown Group

    Miki Itzkovich


    Mytown Group

  • Karin Varon, Mytown Group

    Karin Varon

    CMO and Head of Sales

    Mytown Group

  • Raz Dvir, Mytown Group

    Raz Dvir

    Company Engineer

    Mytown Group

  • Idan Lange, Mytown Group

    Idan Lange

    Legal Counsel

    Mytown Group

The Company Team

    Ortal Zluf Lawyer
    Alon Bachar Project Manager
    Eliav Frankfurter Project Manager
    Guy Cohen Project Manager
    Ahuvi Levental Senior Planning and Licensing Manager
    Noam Elkabets Company Architect
    Michal Hirsch Senior Planning and Licensing Manager
    Arik Baraz Project Supervisor
    Moti Solomons Project Supervisor
    Anat Carmi Central Marketeer
    Svetlana Zinoveyva Accountant
    Yulia Royfeh Accountant
    Ilana Omri Accountant
    Galit Avraham Procurement Coordinator
    Moran Ashual Operations and Office Manager
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About Mytown Group

The group has been leading Israel’s urban renewal market for more than a decade and it serves as an umbrella for several divisions that work professionally in the various areas of urban renewal. The group has been executing more than 50 urban renewal projects as part of the Pinui-Binui, Demolition and Reconstruction and Tama 38 programs, covering more than 5,000 apartments in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, Ra’anana, etc.
The group has vast and proven urban renewal activity, which enables residents to benefit from professional and comprehensive capabilities. The group has in-house departments in the fields of architecture, planning management, project management, residents’ changes, etc. Mytown Group’s financial strength is particularly high due to the excellent reputation it has accumulated over the years, and the willingness of its shareholders to broaden and deepen its operations. The group’s shareholders include, among other, the Arkin family, Hachshara Insurance Company, Eitan Group, Mor and Doron Brin family (the owners of the Safra Fund – Israel’s largest hedge fund), and Yossi Hasson who also serves as the group’s CEO.

Prominent Projects

Mytown Center, Kiryat Malachi – Pinui-Binui, Permit Received – 7 dunams complex in the center of Kiryat Malachi. This project includes the eviction of 40 old residential units and the construction of a commercial center covering about 10,000 sqm as well as 2 residential towers with 195 new apartments. This project is designed to be the beating heart of Kiryat Malachi.
HaGat Project, Ramat Gan – Pinui Binui – Located between Gat, HaRoe, and Ben Gurion streets this pinui-binui project will include the eviction of 85 residential units and the construction of 200 new apartments in a 35 floors tower. In addition, a commercial floor and an employment floor will be built. This project’s unique location at the heart of Ramat Gan as well as its meticulous planning will make it one of Ramat Gan’s unique projects.
HaRav Landers, Ramat Gan – Pinui-Binui - This complex currently houses about 184 apartment owners in 10 derelict buildings. In their place, the proposed plan includes the construction of more than 600 apartments in 5 upscale towers. The public benefit of this project would be a neighborhood school within a stone’s throw from the residents’ houses. This complex is the flagship project of Ramat Amidar Neighborhood.
Ben-Gurion Complex, Or Akiva – Pinui-Binui - In this complex, adapted to Or Akiva’s master plan, Mytown is planning an eviction and construction project, in which 42 apartments will be vacated and 170 new apartments will be built in 3 towers above three commercial and employment floors. The project is located on HaNasi Blvd. in the city’s northern part and enjoys an open view towards the north and a view of the sea to its west.
Harari, Ramat Gan – Pinui-Binui - Located near the Aluf Sade intersection, this project will include the demolition of old buildings with 55 apartments and a modern 35 floors tower with 176 new apartments will take their place. Each apartment owner will receive a new and bigger apartment with a terrace, as well as an underground parking space.
HaShoftim, Kiryat Gat – Pinui-Binui – This prominent project in Kiryat Gat will include the eviction of about 400 old apartments and the construction of a new complex that will include about 2000 new apartments, schools, kindergartens, synagogues, and public areas to the benefit of the public and residents.
105 Jabotinsky St., Tel Aviv – Pinui-Binui, Pending Execution - In this project, located near the Kikar HeMedina, an old 11 apartments building will be demolished, and a new 9-story building will be constructed. The building will include 23 luxurious apartments and a commercial unit. Each owner will receive a larger unit, a balcony and parking and storage space.
8-10 Alexander Yanai St., Tel Aviv – Pinui-Binui Project, Pending Execution - In Tel Aviv’s old and prestigious northern region, 2 buildings will be demolished, and 2 new buildings will be built. The buildings will include about 38 luxurious apartments on 7 new floors above two parking floors. Apartment owners will receive new units which would be up to 21 sq.m. larger than their existing ones, a sun balcony of up to 12 sq.m. and storage and parking spaces.
12 Biltmore St., Tel Aviv – Pinui Binui, Pending Execution – Located near Kikar HaMedina, this project includes the demolition of an 11 apartments’ building and the construction of a new lavish 8 floors building, over two underground parking floors. The building will include 21 luxurious apartments. Each apartment owner will receive a new and bigger residential unit, a terrace, a storage unit, and a parking space.

Completed Projects

In its decade and a half long of activity the company completed many projects, among them are as follows: 13 Fichman St., Tel Aviv; 8 Ussishkin St., Herzliya; 10 Tiberias St., Tel Aviv; 21 Hadar St., Herzliya; 12 Kazu St., Ra’anana; 6 Shilo St., Tal Aviv; 13 Brandeis St., Tel Aviv; 15 Fichman St., Tel Aviv; 18 HaGdud HaIvri St., Raanana; 94 Jerusalem Ave., Ramat Gan; 14 Yermiyahu St., Tel Aviv; 47 Yehoshua Bin-Nun St., Tel Aviv; 127 Weizman St., Tel Aviv; 2 Haftman St., Tel Aviv; 16 HaGdud HaIvri St., Ra’anana; 9 Arba HaAratzut St., Tel Aviv, and many more.

Icon Projects


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Facts & Numbers

33 Total Projects


Total Projects

24 Total Projects before building permit


Total Projects before building permit

6 Total Projects after building permit


Total Projects after building permit

3 Total Projects Populated in 2018


Total Projects Populated in 2018