Architecture & Engineering

Engineering Offices Project Management

Rank 2019FirmProfessional Employees No.Change(%)Engineers No.Total Employees No.Total Income (NIS Millions)Area of expertise1Area of expertise2Area of expertise3main rank 2019
Rank 2019FirmProfessional Employees No.Change(%)Engineers No.Total Employees No.Total Income (NIS Millions)Area of expertise1Area of expertise2Area of expertise3main rank 2019
3Waxman Govrin Geva Engineering 20114.2117241-Structural engineering--6
Company shares are traded abroad
16424.299208-Transportation systemsStructural engineeringMechanical engineering7
8Dana Engineering 74-2.65294-TunnelingTransportation systems-18
9Nizan Inbar Project Management 55-15.43158----28
10David Ackerstein 44-122655-Transportation systemsTunneling-34
12Yahel Engineers 359.42944----42
13Dagesh Construction Systems Mmanagement 26-1435-Structural engineering--51
14Tafnit Construction Management 25-7.41243-Structural engineeringElectrical engineeringMechanical engineering54
15Etgar - Al Engineering 210825-Structural engineering--57
16TS.K. Engineering 1911.811216---58
17Sharist Engineers 1926.76226.4---59
18Adam Amit 17-151018----60
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2019yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.