Architecture & Engineering

Engineering Offices Project Management

Rank 2024Company NameNo. of Professional EmployeesNo. of EngineersTotal EmployeesIncome (NIS Millions) Area of expertise 1 Area of expertise 2 Area of expertise 3
Rank 2024Company NameNo. of Professional EmployeesNo. of EngineersTotal EmployeesIncome (NIS Millions) Area of expertise 1 Area of expertise 2 Area of expertise 3
3Waxman Group (Waxman Govrin Geva) 266168326-Structural engineeringStatutory managementQuality control
5AM Projects 17254187-Structural engineeringElectrical engineeringMechanical engineering
7Top Engineering 9555103-Structural engineeringMechanical engineeringWater resources
11David Ackerstein 61266937.2Transportation systemsTunnelingStatutory management
12Nizan Inbar Project Management 603470-Structural engineeringElectrical engineeringMechanical engineering
13Port Engineering 45265124.8Quality controlTunnelingStructural engineering
14Yahel Engineers 413348-Statutory managementStructural engineeringTransportation systems
16Pro - S.I.E 291437-Structural engineeringStatutory management-
17Kidan Project Management 291234-Statutory managementQuality controlStructural engineering
18Tafnit Construction Management 281347-Structural engineering--
19Malcom Civil Engineering 2416279.5Quality control--
20Sharist Engineers 237249.5Statutory managementStructural engineering-
21E.S.Q. Engineering 2216288.7Transportation systemsQuality control-
22Dan Ben Amram Engineering & Management 191522-Statutory managementTunneling-
23Prima Nova 18722-Quality controlStructural engineeringTransportation systems
24Etgar - Al Engineering 16719-Structural engineeringStatutory management-
27I. Adam'S Project Management And Construction 961013.9Structural engineering--
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page