Kleiman Development and Construction

Development and construction of residential real estate projects, urban renewal, industrial development, and public buildings

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Company's Profile

Established: 1994
Line of Business: Development and construction of residential real estate projects, urban renewal, industrial development, and public buildings
Address: 48 HaHaroshet St., Carmiel
Phone: 972-4-9550686
Fax: 972-4-6283876
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.a-kleyman.com
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Company Executives

  • Arkadi Kleiman, Kleiman Development and Construction

    Arkadi Kleiman


    Kleiman Development and Construction

  • Boris Kleiman, Kleiman Development and Construction

    Boris Kleiman

    COO & Executive Division Manager

    Kleiman Development and Construction

  • Suzanna Kleiman, Kleiman Development and Construction

    Suzanna Kleiman


    Kleiman Development and Construction

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About Kleiman Development and Construction

Arkadi Kleiman is one of the leading construction and contracting companies in northern Israel, which has been successfully managing one of the most challenging times in the history of the real estate sector. The “Swords of Iron” war increased the uncertainty of the real estate market, the construction sector which lost a significant part of its human resource, delays in delivery and the cutting of Israel’s credit rating are part of the issues that create significant changes in the market’s requirements and effect the field’s supply and demand.

The company, which maintains 30 years of experience in the construction field, a C5 construction classification and ISO45001 and ISO9001 certifications, is managed by Arkadi Kleiman children, Suzanna and Boris Kleiman.

The company’s longstanding experience, financial strength that renders it fortified and able to sustain leading projects, as well a high credit rating and the professional team’s accumulated knowledge, result in the company’s successful performance during these dire straits. The company specializes in residential construction, industrial and public construction (infrastructure works, construction and finishing), and in recent years, the main areas of business have been residential real estate entrepreneurship and Urban Renewal and affordable housing. The familial management of Arkadi Kleiman company was fortified with a professional team and is managed in a warm and open familial atmosphere.

The management team visits the sites daily to ensure compliance with the highest safety and quality standards of the company, and schedules, and understands the importance of adhering to meticulous architectural design and environmental development, high-quality technical specifications, and an exceptionally high standard of construction in order to continue and deal with the dynamic market’s current complexities. In each of the company’s projects, during all its years of activity, the company maintains architectural planning and environmental development, high quality technical details and an especially high standard of construction. The company’s moto, “Based on uncompromising quality”, created its reputation as “A reliable and thorough company”. The company’s customers, which include Israel’s leading companies, including Shikin & Binui, Shafir, Sela Binui, Kacham and others, will testify to the aforementioned.

The company is proud of its human capital - the engineers, architects, practical engineers, senior executives, project managers, manual workers in all construction professions and a supportive logistics system. Employees are meticulously recruited, and managers are empowered to delegate authority while listening to new ideas and encouraging fair treatment. The company’s managers emphasize safety during construction, invest a lot of resources in the field and consider safety to be an integral part of its corporate culture. The company stands for safety and hygiene and partakes in the “Safety Stars for Construction Companies” program.

Arkadi Kleiman maintains a first-rate standard that is well-adapted to the needs of the customers, providing a personal, warm, and attentive treatment and close supervision from early planning to completion. Through its extensive experience, the company offers every customer a pleasant and relaxed service experience that accompanies him throughout the process. High-quality construction while meeting timelines, transparency, and efficient customer service ensure customer satisfaction and make them the best ambassadors for the company.

Areas Of Activity

Initiation and execution of residential Real Estate and Urban Renewal - Arkadi Kleiman develops and builds residential neighborhoods in Haifa, Nesher, Nahariya, Kiryat Yam, Carmiel, Harish, Kfar Tavor, Yokneam, Tiberius and Migdal HaEmek, and community expansions in kibbutzim. The construction is carried out with great sensitivity to the needs of the tenants. The designated tenants’ department helps customers throughout the process from signing the lease to receiving the key to the apartment, and the inspection department continues to provide information to customers during the inspection and warranty years.

Urban Renewal

In 2019, the company entered the field of urban renewal, and is working on projects, currently in Haifa, Acre and Nahariya. The company is currently contracted to build Pinui Binui complexes for neighborhoods in Haifa. The company’s team also applies its years of experience to urban renewal projects, working with professionals in the engineering, licensing, and construction fields. Tenants can expect a professional, efficient process, from the initial inspection to the completion of the project and its population.

Public Buildings

Kleiman’s clients also include municipalities and regional councils. The company specializes in public construction and is proud of projects it has built in Haifa, Acre, Migdal Ha’Emek, Karmiel, and other moshavim in the northern region - including a fire station, schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, dormitories for adults and children with special needs, synagogues, municipal library, community building, youth club, sports facilities, and adventure park.

Industrial Buildings

Arkadi Kleiman is building industrial buildings, such as a heavy industry plant in the Tzahar industrial area, logistics warehouses in Alon Tavor, a workshop building in Kibbutz Kabri, a chemical materials plant in Kiryat Shmona, and others. Also in this area, the company demonstrates its professionalism, commitment, execution capabilities, and extensive knowledge, which form a solid basis for carrying out industrial projects.

Prominent Residential Projects

Populated Projects:

Harish - Execution project for Shafir, 124 housing units, including full environmental development. Populated in 2021. Har Carmi, Carmiel - Initiation and contracting - 99 housing units. Populated in 2021. Kramim, Kfar Tavor - Execution of 100 ground attached housing units for Hanan Mor Group Holdings LTD. Populated in 2022. Givat Zemer, Haifa - Execution for Shikun VeBinui in a 55-unit project. Populated in 2022. The Valley, Nahariya - Initiation and execution, 164 housing units. Populated in 2023. Kiryat Yam - Initiation and execution of 166 housing units. Populated in 2023.

Projects Under Construction:

Harish Dreams - The company executes a 69-residential unit project for the initiator, Shikun & Binui. Expected completion in 2024. Tiberias - Initiation and execution of affordable housing, 660 housing units + 12,000 sq.m. of commerce. Beit Shemesh - An execution project for Shafir-Nativ company, 231 housing units. Kibbutz Saar - An employment and service center. Rechasim- Construction of 2 schools and a large gym.

Planned Projects:

Migdal HaEmek - Initiation and execution of Mehir Matara project, 188 housing units + 5,000 sq.m. of commerce. Hamahzeva, Nesher - The company’s signature project, the initiation, and construction of a tower that rises to 60 floors at the Hamahzeva site in Nesher. The project includes commercial areas, offices, more than 1,000 housing units (including dormitories for students), and underground parking lots. According to one of the architects, Guy Miloslavsky: “The project will be a new metropolitan anchor, the tallest tower in the country outside Gush Dan, which will be built in a strategic location for businesses and leverage the entire area from a typical employment complex to a mixed-use attraction, creating an urban continuum between Haifa and Nesher.” HaKerem - The company is the initiator and executing contractor for the construction of an office and commercial building in Acre.

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