Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship
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Company's Profile

Established: 2011
Line of Business: Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship
Address: 30 Sheshet HaYamim St., Champion Tower, 13rd. floor,
Bnei Brak
Phone: 972-3-6557878
Fax: 972-3-9490095
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Udi  Blum, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Udi Blum


    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    View Profile

    Udi Blum
  • Yaron Levi, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Yaron Levi

    VP Engineering

    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

  • Nadav Yagen, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Nadav Yagen

    VP Marketing and Sales

    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

  • Omri Reif, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Omri Reif


    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

  • Alona Nachshon, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Alona Nachshon

    VP Customer Service

    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

  • Ronel Bibi, Metropolis Urban Renewal  and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    Ronel Bibi

    VP Business Development

    Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

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Facts & Numbers

48 Total Projects


Total Projects

28 Total Projects before building permit


Total Projects before building permit

20 Total Projects after building permit


Total Projects after building permit

13 Total Projects Populated


Total Projects Populated

Icon About

About Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Metropolis Urban Renewal and Real Estate Development leads the urban renewal sector. Founded in 2011, Metropolis is one of the leading and most influential urban renewal and development companies in Israel. The company, which led the first demolition and reconstruction project in Tel Aviv and Herzliya, works in light of its leading values of excellence and innovation, and renewed an entire street in an urban renewal project for the first time in Givatayim. Metropolis currently promotes the planning, licensing and construction of approx. 50 projects, including demolition and reconstruction and NOP 38/2, in a scope of approx. 11,000 residential units. The company has currently successfully completed the population of approx.1,100 residential units. The company’s activities are located in major cities throughout Israel, including Tel Aviv, Givatayim, Petah Tikva, Herzliya, Beer Sheva, Hod HaSharon, Ramat Gan, Ramat HaSharon, Haifa, and more. The company maintains proven professional knowledge and extensive experience regarding the proper way to handle authorities, residents and all parties involved in the urban renewal process in its various stages. Metropolis is driven to lead every project from the get-go unto the exciting population, while accompanying throughout the project, fully dedicated to the customers. Urban renewal presents unique and complex challenges, including long schedules, uncertainty, regulatory changes, taxation changes, finance challenges and execution difficulties in highly populated areas. These complexities require unique expertise, vast knowledge and extensive experience, which the company developed throughout its years of activity, enabling it to efficiently deal with each of these challenges. The company excels in its ability to navigate the technical, social and logistical challenges that arise from these projects, while maintaining high standards of execution quality and a special sensibility to the residents’ and the environment’s needs. The company’s vision focuses on creating excellence regarding construction quality and resident service, which is translated into a high quality living experience, leading a high standard in the sector. Metropolis believes in uncompromising excellence and in transparency with personal service for residents and purchasers. This commitment was acknowledged as Metropolis won two awards in Israel’s Management Center’s 2023 competition for Excellence in Service and Customer Experience, as the sole real estate company to have won them.

Selected Populated Projects – Large-Scale Residential Complexes

Metropolis combines the development of high-quality residential complexes, while investing in the environment. This unique concept is expressed by the large complexes that the company has populated in Israel’s leading demand areas.

The company’s leading populated projects include several groundbreaking projects:
The Green Park Complex in Neve Sharet, Tel Aviv’s first demolition and reconstruction project, which includes 447 residential units, and the “Metropolis Givatayim Complex”, an urban renewal project that renewed an entire street for the first time in Givatayim, which includes 166 residential units and Metropolis Herzliya Complex, with 278 new residential units.

Select Projects in Planning in Tel Aviv:
Metropolis currently promotes and markets hundreds of residential units in exclusive projects in Tel Aviv.
“The Weizmann”, on the corner of Weizmann-Hachmei Kiruan, includes a prestigious 8-story building with 60 residential units.
“The Boho House”, on 15-17 Antokolsky St., includes a unique and prestigious 8-story building with 31 residential units.
“ALTERMAN Metropolis Complex” on 6-12 Alterman St., includes two 8 buildings with 130 residential units.
“Lue & Smats” on 41 Louis Marshal St., includes a 7-story building with 32 residential units.
“Ramata” on 22-24 Reading St., includes two buildings with 81 residential units.
“A.F.K.” on 19-23 Kehilat Padova St., with Shikun & Binui, includes 8 buildings with 292 residential units.

Additional select urban renewal complexes in various stages of planning:
In Haifa -
A massive demolition and reconstruction project in the Kiryat Eliezer neighborhood, within which approximately 200 old residential units will be demolished and about 1,000 new ones will be constructed, with large green areas and public buildings. The company is promoting an additional complex in Haifa, within which 92 old residential units will be demolished and approximately 450 new ones will be constructed.
In Ramat Gan - The company is promoting six large complexes upon which 1200 residential and commerce units will be constructed. In Rehovot - The company is promoting three close complexes upon which 600 residential units will be constructed.
In Tel Aviv - The company is promoting two large complexes upon which 1,000 residential units will be constructed.
In Hod ha-Sharon – The company is promoting a complex with 44 old units, instead of which 5 buildings with 138 units will be constructed.
In Herzliya - Several complexes with approximately 259 units will be constructed.
In Lod – The company is promoting a complex with 72 residential units upon which 370 residential units will be constructed. The planning of this complex is promoted by the State in collaboration with the local authority.
In Givatayim - the company is promoting a complex with Dan Nadlan within which 76 existing residential units will be demolished and 167 new ones will be constructed.
In Petah Tikva – the company is promoting a complex within which 64 existing residential units will be demolished and 224 new ones will be constructed.
In Beer Sheva – the company is promoting a huge complex within which 173 existing residential units will be demolished and 1,464 new ones will be constructed.

The company is owned by two leading groups in the Israeli economy:
Allied Group, is one of the largest and most stable Israeli holding companies, which operates in the motor, real estate, infrastructure, logistics and electronic product commerce fields, and Eldar Group, a versatile real estate group that specializes in marketing, development, residential urban renewal and mortgage consultancy, and is Israel’s largest residential projects marketing company.
The partnership between these two leading groups grants Metropolis tremendous financial strength, allowing it to successfully deal with large-scale projects.

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