Financial Services

Credit cards

Rank 2013CompanyOperating Rev.NIS Millions% change from last yearNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees No.O. Rev. per Employee NIS (000)Parent CompanyMain Rank - Services
Rank 2013CompanyOperating Rev.NIS Millions% change from last yearNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees No.O. Rev. per Employee NIS (000)Parent CompanyMain Rank - Services
2Cal Israel Credit Cards Ltd. 1,118.00.2209.018.71,046.01,370816.1Israel Discount Bank24
4American Express 300.,851.9Bank Hapoalim73
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page