Financial Services

Investment Houses

Rank 2017CompanyTotal Portfolio NIS MillionsChange (%)Portfolio Management (NIS Millions)Mutual FundsProvident FundsExchange Trade NotesPension FundsRatio between total portfolio to the number of invest manEmployees No.Parent CompanyRank 2016
Rank 2017CompanyTotal Portfolio NIS MillionsChange (%)Portfolio Management (NIS Millions)Mutual FundsProvident FundsExchange Trade NotesPension FundsRatio between total portfolio to the number of invest manEmployees No.Parent CompanyRank 2016
1Psagot Investment House 185,638.0-1.365,279.024,552.057,125.026,905.014,176.06,629.9884AP.PS Himalaya1
2Meitav DS
The company trades in Israel
3Excellence Investment 80,000.0-0.411,173.723,455.0609The Phoenix Holdings3
4Altshuler Shaham 66,520.91.215,327.516,520.540,136.9856.41,304.34974
5Yelin Lapidot 62,937.020.019,035.021,627.027,795.02,622.42505
6Infinity-Ayalim Investment Group 46,098.414.86,631.19,588.331,038.41,536.61378
7Harel Finance 39,430.0-17.012,574.017,800.013,206.0668.3215Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services6
8I.B.I. Investments House
The company trades in Israel
9Migdal Capital Markets 31,552.2-4.66,500.125,608.61,856.0157Migdal Insurance And Financial Holldings9
10Peilim Portfolio Management 16,500.0-0.916,500.0Bank Hapoalim10
11Halman - Aldubi Investment House 13,674.0-1.61,129.78.111,033.31,505.81,243.121211
12MORE Investment House 13,085.244.52,136.811,673.5817.848Y.D. More Investment14
The company trades in Israel
14Alumot Investment House 7,529.6-12.51,284.46,245.2753.050B.t.h holdings and financial investments15
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page