Financial Services

Investment Houses

Rank 2013CompanyTotal Portfolio NIS MillionsChange (%)Customers CapitalMutual FundsProvident FundsExchange Traded NotesPension FundsRatio between total portfolio to the number of investment managersSeniority of investment managersNumber of professional employees managing public fundsNumber of EmployeesParent Company
Rank 2013CompanyTotal Portfolio NIS MillionsChange (%)Customers CapitalMutual FundsProvident FundsExchange Traded NotesPension FundsRatio between total portfolio to the number of investment managersSeniority of investment managersNumber of professional employees managing public fundsNumber of EmployeesParent Company
1Psagot Investment House Ltd. 152,720.09.755,860.028,190.049,560.09,890.09,220.05,090.74.876.0726AP.PS. Acquisition LTD
2Meitav DS 1
The company trades in Israel
3Excellence Nessuah
The company trades in Israel
65,501.07.08,450.016,998.019,142.022,246.0380.0612.25.181.0560The Phoenix Investments & Finance
4Migdal Capital Markets 34,552.615.516,817.418,712.5705.25.663.0268Migdal Holldings
5Infinity Investment House 28,866.013.25,146.024,746.01,
6Altshuler - Shaham 34,353.585.57,414.913,004.016,910.6113.51,
7Harel Finance 28,401.014.25,419.019,486.06,039.0747.45.0115.0164Harel Insurance & Finance
8I.B.I. Investments House
The company trades in Israel
9Menora Mivtachim Finance 24,737.033.83,572.07,189.014,212.01,374.32.338.065Menora Mivtachim Holdings
10Yelin Lapidot 20,864.037.38,310.05,190.09,244.0907.110.040.0130Leader Financial Assets Management (2005)
12Peilim Portfolio Management 10,580.05.810,580.0556.810.044.073Bank Hapoalim
11Ayalon Investment House 10,594.78.47,744.71,302.63,670.81,184.1378.412.030.051Ayalon Holdings
The company trades in Israel
14Halman - Aldubi Finance 2 9,336.04.62,446.06,701.0189.0160
15Epsilon Investments House 7,200.07.557
16Hadas Arazim 5,160.026.8687.0835.03,638.0
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
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