Industrial Companies

Kibbutzim Industry

Rank 2024Company NameIncomeRevenue Change(%)Exports/ Overseas Sales of NIS Millions% Sales of Total Sales% Change from last yearEquity NIS MillionsEmployees No Kibbutz Namesector2023 Rank
Rank 2024Company NameIncomeRevenue Change(%)Exports/ Overseas Sales of NIS Millions% Sales of Total Sales% Change from last yearEquity NIS MillionsEmployees No Kibbutz Namesector2023 Rank
1Netafim 3,919.17.5----4454Kibbutz HazerimFiltration systems, irrigation and water treatment1
2Ambar 3,301.03.0----1200Various Kibbutzim And Cooperative SettlementsAgricultural Inputs 2
3Tama Group 2,671.0-8.22,626.098.3-8.2-1850Kibbutz Mishmar HaemekPlastics , Rubber & Glass3
4 Caesarstone
Company shares are traded abroad
2,083.9-10.22,000.096.0-9.01,142.71813Kibbutz Sdot YamBuilding Products & Infrastructure4
5 Maytronics
The company trades in Israel
1,889.65.71,889.6100.05.7758.21303Kibbutz YizreelElectronical Systems6
6Milobar 1,747.06.5---194.8170Mishkey Hamifratz, Jezreel, Upper GalileeAgricultural Inputs 7
7 Palram Industries
The company trades in Israel
1,717.7-5.21,593.292.8-5.91,130.81531Kibbutz Ramat YohananPlastics , Rubber & Glass5
8 Albaad
The company trades in Israel
1,710.517.61,581.292.419.9394.11831Moshav Massuot YitzhakWood & Paper Products9
9 Plasson
The company trades in Israel
1,644.93.81,335.681.25.41,108.72454Kibbutz Maagan MichaelPlastics , Rubber & Glass8
10Zemach Feed Mill 1,520.06.1-----Emek HayardenAgricultural Inputs 10
11 Arad
The company trades in Israel
1,331.722.31,118.684.022.3568.21155Kibbutz Ramot Shamir + Kibbutz DaliaFiltration systems, irrigation and water treatment12
12Kafrit Industries(1993)
The company trades in Israel
1,123.05.6995.488.67.9486.7553Kibbutz Kfar AzaPlastics , Rubber & Glass13
13 Polyram Plastic Industries
The company trades in Israel
1,000.8-9.4800.380.0-3.5608.9379Moshav Ram OnPlastics , Rubber & Glass11
14Of Tov 977.015.5-----Kibbutzey Emek Beit Shean + Emek HayardenFood Manufacturers*
15 Gan Shmuel Foods
The company trades in Israel
953.526.2742.877.935.5503.0525Various KibbutzimFood Manufacturers16
16 Raval
The company trades in Israel
929.77.4775.883.42.4386.61365Kibbutz RevivimPlastics , Rubber & Glass15
17Yotvata Dairies 740.014.4---248.0200Kibbutz Yotvata Food Manufacturers18
18Shalag Shamir 683.9-1.8637.693.2-2.0-540Kibbutz ShamirPlastics , Rubber & Glass17
Company data are evaluated
600.0-----600Milout Central Agricultral CoopFood Manufacturers20
20Galam Group 600.015.4----250Kibbutz MaanitFood Manufacturers22
21 Ginegar Plastic Products
The company trades in Israel
596.9-4.9512.785.9-1.4221.0230Kibbutz GinegarPlastics , Rubber & Glass19
22Plazit Industries 547.09.4----670Kibbutz GazitPlastics , Rubber & Glass24
23Maabarot Products 540.022.7----750Kibbutz MaabarotFood Manufacturers27
Company data are evaluated
530.0-----500Kibbutz EvronMetal Products25
25Elcam Medical 514.019.3----715Kibbutz BaramPlastics , Rubber & Glass28
26I.M.A. 1990 510.3-6.2----365Kibbutz Ein HamifratzWood & Paper Products21
27 Amiad Water Systems
The company trades in Israel
455.911.9412.790.511.2287.2785Kibbutz Amiad Filtration systems, irrigation and water treatment30
28 Golan Plastic Products
The company trades in Israel
430.23.7185.043.0-3.0292.2291Kibbutz Shaar HagolanPlastics , Rubber & Glass29
29Plasan Sasa
Company data are evaluated
417.0-----400Kibbutz SasaDefense Industry23
Company data are evaluated
400.0-----350Kibbutz Nir OzBuilding Products & Infrastructure26
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUNS 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUNS 100.