Industrial Companies

Plastics, Rubber and Glass

Rank 2024Company NameIncomeRevenue Change(%)Exports/ Overseas Sales of NIS Millions% Change from last year% Sales of Total SalesNet ProfitProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoSales per Employee NIS (000)Name of parent company
Rank 2024Company NameIncomeRevenue Change(%)Exports/ Overseas Sales of NIS Millions% Change from last year% Sales of Total SalesNet ProfitProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoSales per Employee NIS (000)Name of parent company
1Tama Group 2,671.0-8.22,626.0-8.298.3---18501,443.8-
2Tosaf 2,020.0-6.01,800.0-2.789.1---16001,262.5Megides A.M.A. Assets 2000
3 Palram Industries
The company trades in Israel
1,717.7-5.21,593.2-5.992.8164.39.61,130.815311,122.0Ramat Yohanan Agriculture Devel Opment
4 Plasson
The company trades in Israel
1,644.93.81,335.65.481.2129.17.81,108.72454670.3Kibbutz Maagan Michael
5 Avgol
The company trades in Israel
6Kafrit Industries(1993)
The company trades in Israel
1,123.05.6995.47.988.646.94.2486.75532,030.8Kibbutz Kfar Aza
7 Polyram Plastic Industries
The company trades in Israel
8 Raval
The company trades in Israel
9Shalag Shamir 683.9-1.8637.6-,266.5Shalag Shamir Holdings ACS
10 Ginegar Plastic Products
The company trades in Israel
11Plazit Industries 547.09.4------670816.4Kibbutz Gazit
12Stanley Black & Decker Israel
Company data are evaluated
530.0-------700757.1Stanley Israel Investments B.V
13Elcam Medical 514.019.3------715718.9-
14 Plasto Cargal Group
The company trades in Israel
15Alliance 434.7-10.3413.7-11.495.2-9.8-2.3351.6526826.4Yokohama Off-Highway Tires K.K
16 Golan Plastic Products
The company trades in Israel
430.23.7185.0-,478.5Kibbutz Shaar Hagolan
17 Plastopil Hazorea
The company trades in Israel
18Palziv Ein Hanatziv 383.03.0277.01.172.3--142.0730524.7Kibbutz Ein Hanatziv
19Politiv 350.0-10.3122.0-21.834.9--185.02001,750.0Kedma Greenhouse, Limited Partnership
20Shamir Optical Industry
Company data are evaluated
298.0-------2500119.2Shamir Optics Holdings
21Aran Packaging 280.72.9256.94.091.5---2001,403.4Aran Holdings Cooperative Society
22Oran Palmach Zuba ACC 276.020.0230.014.483.3---450613.3-
Company data are evaluated
260.0-------350742.9Schwartz Senior Holdings
24 Rimoni Industries
The company trades in Israel
25Zriha Hlavin Industries 190.0-5.0------300633.3Kedma Plastic Limited Partnership
26Tosca Israel Reusable solutions
Company data are evaluated
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUNS 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUNS 100.