Architecture & Engineering

Engineering Design

Rank 2021FirmProfessional EmployeesNo. of EngineersTotal EmployeesIncome (NIS Millions)Area of expertise 1Area of expertise 2Area of expertise 3Main Rank 2021
Rank 2021FirmProfessional EmployeesNo. of EngineersTotal EmployeesIncome (NIS Millions)Area of expertise 1Area of expertise 2Area of expertise 3Main Rank 2021
2David Engineers 1348714472.400Structural engineering--8
4Mahod Engineering 704886-Transportation systems--20
6Star Engineers 62507019.690Structural engineering--23
8DBA 533158-Electrical engineering--26
10S. Ben-Abraham Engineers 47215012Structural engineering--31
11S. Karni Engineers 453151----32
12Hasson - Yerushalmi 423449-Transportation systems--35
13Eyal Kraus - Roads Engineering 423050-Transportation systems--36
15Tiktin Electrical Planning (2003) 40145114Electrical engineering--38
16Yaron-Shimoni-Shacham Consulting Engineers-YSS 34223716TunnelingStructural engineering-39
17H.G.M. (80) 27273010.500Water resources--42
18Navon - Azran Electrical Consulting 271130-Electrical engineering--44
19Zinger-Horowitz-Buch-Dickman 262332-Structural engineering--45
20Medva 2654015.850Structural engineering--46
21Kedmor Engineers 221435-Structural engineering--48
22Yosi Pnini Consultant Engineers 18723-Water resources--52
23Shatzky & Ben-Meir 141017-Electrical engineering--55
24Metra Watt 111114-Electrical engineering--57
25M.N.M. Engineering 10916-Transportation systemsQuality control--
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2021yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.