Chemipal Ltd.

Distribution, Sales and Marketing of Medications and Health, Personal Care and Baby Products

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Company's Profile

Established: 1941
Line of Business: Distribution, Sales and Marketing of Medications and Health, Personal Care and Baby Products
Address: 44 Giborei Israel St., Netanya 4250432
Phone: 972-8-9393100
Fax: 972-8-9393101
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Meir Rokach, Chemipal Ltd.

    Meir Rokach


    Chemipal Ltd.

Leading Executives

    Eitan Gal Owner
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About Chemipal Ltd.

Chemipal is one of Israel’s largest pharmaceuticals supply chain management companies. It is active in the distribution, sale and marketing of prescription and OTC Medicine, nutritional supplements, cosmetics and personal care products, baby and health products, to pharma chains and pharmacies across Israel, HMOs, hospitals, baby and health food stores and more.

The company also operates as the exclusive logistics arm of Super-Pharm Ltd., managing all of the latter’s logistics services through several advanced logistics centers. In its logistics centers in Netanya, the Emek Hefer Industries Park and Kibbutz Eyal, Chemipal manages the entire logistics supply chain, with a unique and innovative delivery and distribution organization. Chemipal serves as a one stop shop for all of the logistic operations, starting from receiving the products pallets in the company, registering and reviewing them, and storing, collecting, loading and delivering them to the sale points, in a supervised, controlled and monitored process, within about 24-48 hours from the moment of receiving the order.
The company represents most of the Israeli pharmaceuticals producers, including Dexcel, Unipharm, Rafa, Trima, Floris and more, in addition to leading international companies including Philips Avent, 3M (first aid), Clearblue, L’Oréal Cosmetics, Dior and more. Chemipal owns the Pharma Guri company, which imports products of international companies include Rescue, Naturtint hair colors, Phyto Paris and more.

The company serves more than 1,700 sale points in about 650 private pharmacies, 400 branches of the chains Super-Pharm and Be, HMOs, hospitals, health food store and baby products stores.
Chemipal is managed from its administrative and logistics headquarters in Netanya, in a building that it owned where about 300 employees from various departments work. 250 additional employees work from the company’s logistics center in Kibbutz Eyal, where the logistics operations are managed for Super-Pharm, and the rest are employed in the company’s site in the Emek Hefer Industries Park. Chemipal has a Ministry of Health certification, complies with the GDP and GMP quality standards and is supervised by a pro-active BoD and an internal auditor.

About the Company

Chemipal was founded in 1941, and since its establishment up to 1984 it was managed by Mr. Yehuda Gal, who leveraged and developed its operations and created a network of business relationships both with customers and with suppliers. When Mr. Eitan Gal, Yehuda’s son, joined the company, it turned into a groundbreaking company with a nationwide distribution across the entire Israeli pharmaceuticals market. In 2008, Chemipal won a public tender for managing Super-Pharm’s logistics center. In 2014, Chemipal was chosen in another public tender of Super-Pharm, to manage their medications logistics center. In 2020, Chemipal, in cooperation with Diplomat Ltd., established CDSL, a subsidiary that has a 20-year agreement to manage the general logistic operations of the Super-Pharm chain. In late 2022, the company signed an agreement with Caesaria Properties Ltd. as the developer, to build an automated logistics center, the most advanced of its type in Israel, in the Caesaria Industries Park, which would unite several of Chemipal’s logistics center under one roof.

Strong Roots for Constant Growth

Despite the company’s size and strength, it is managed in an intimate and familial atmosphere, out of appreciation and respect to the company’s employees, customers and suppliers. The company’s core values are implemented well into every aspect of its operations, and include, inter alia, the values of personal and available service; determination in maintaining a respectful and warm work environment; conceptual innovation, pioneering and constantly evolving. Chemipal deeply respects its longstanding employees, who are full partners in its success, and who have been accompanying it for decades with an impressive occupational stability. At the same time, the company takes care to hire young, dynamic and fresh minds, who bring to the table creative thinking and unique solutions.

The Company’s Divisions, Subsidiaries

The Logistics Division

The Logistics Division manages and operates Chemipal’s core operations, as a national center for distributing Medicine and consumer produces to pharmacies and pharma chains. The division has a call center that handles all of the applications from customers and suppliers. The logistics division developed a holistic process for all of the complex logistic requirements of pharma distribution, which is controlled by cutting-edge technological models including, among others, WMS for inventory management, automated guided carts for managing the order picking function and POD for managing the distribution function.
The Logistics Division manages the company’s main warehouse, which covers an area of about 20,000 square meters and includes refrigerated rooms, and dedicated warehouses for pharmaceuticals, foods, narcotics, cannabis and more. Over the past three years, the company has invested about NIS 25M in improving its QA, bringing it to the forefront of Israel’s Medicine distribution field.

The Marketing and Sales Division (“Chemipal Brands”)

One of the leading players in importing, marketing and sales of healthcare and personal care products in Israel. Chemical Brands is the Israeli representative of leading international brands which can be found in almost every home in Israel: Avent – Israel’s leading breastfeeding products brand, Philips, Sony Care, One Blade, Grin Tuss, 3M, Rescue, Life (Super-Pharm’s medical devices and bandaging products), Sambucol, Bioderma, ClearBlue, Treaclemoon, White Glue, Oralmedic, Rikuzit, and more.
Over the past 30 years, Chemipal Brands’ marketing and sales team proved how out-of-the-box thinking, innovation, creativity and familiarity with the Israeli consumer lead to excellence in building and managing new brands in Israel.
Chemipal Brands philosophy is 1) commitment to real innovation, 2) focusing on high-quality products 3) a unique consumer offering as an advantage over its competitors, and 4) deep branding.
The division’s mission is to bring to the Israeli market unique and innovative high-quality products, with added value, that would provide a solution or improve the conduct and lives of the Israeli consumer.


In Late 2020, Chemipal, in cooperations with Diplomat Ltd., established CDSL Ltd., which has an agreement for managing the general logistics operations of the Super-Pharm chain.
The logistics center assembles all of the chain’s products (accept for medications) in a single logistics warehouse, and supervises their distribution in a single concentrated delivery to the chain’s 300 branches, through a fleet of temperature-controlled vehicles. The logistics center has a total area of about 25,000 sq.m. and is located near Kibbutz Eyal.