Service & Trade

Customs Clearance and Shipping

Rank 2015CompanyGross income from Shipping brokerageNet income from Customs brokerageEmployees NumberInternational ForwarderAEORank 2014
Rank 2015CompanyGross income from Shipping brokerageNet income from Customs brokerageEmployees NumberInternational ForwarderAEORank 2014
1Flying Cargo - DHL 975.0501DHLValid1
2UTI Logistics Israel
Company data are evaluated
620.0490UTI LogisticsValid3
3Mentfield (1983) 616.025.0325Valid5
4Fritz Companies
Company data are evaluated
600.0500Fedex Trade NetworksValid4
7Amit 327.433.2200PanalpinaValid7
The company trades in Israel
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page