Service & Trade

Customs Clearance and Shipping

Rank 2017CompanyGross income from Forwarding* (NIS Millions)Net income from Customs Clearance (NIS Millions)Number of EmployeesInternational ForwarderAEORank 2016
Rank 2017CompanyGross income from Forwarding* (NIS Millions)Net income from Customs Clearance (NIS Millions)Number of EmployeesInternational ForwarderAEORank 2016
1Flying Cargo - DHL 974.9505DHL Global ForwardingValid1
2Mentfield (1983) 732.028.0500Valid3
3Fritz Companies 660.0700FedEx Trade NetworksValid2
4DSV 647.0460DSVValid4
7UPS 550.0960UPSValid7
8Amit 329.041.2200PANALPINAValid8
9Sea Way Logistics 300.0110-
The company trades in Israel
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
*Without VAT