CPA Firms

Accountancy Firms

Rank 2017FirmInternational FirmProfessional Employees (including Accountants & Interns)AccountantsPartnersNo. of EmployeesNo. of Listed Companies Audited in 2016*Rank 2016
Rank 2017FirmInternational FirmProfessional Employees (including Accountants & Interns)AccountantsPartnersNo. of EmployeesNo. of Listed Companies Audited in 2016*Rank 2016
1EY Israel - Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer EY1,78973210419882191
2KPMG Somekh Chaikin KPMG1,197552591267932
3Deloitte Israel Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited1,0233459411501103
4PwC Israel PwC1,049362591149824
5BDO Ziv Haft BDO1,189438591489605
9MBT Brit Pikuah PRAXITY29078233458
10Strauss Lazer Nexia International1309310160910
11Ben David Shalvi Kop & Co, Accountants Leading Edge Alliance - Lea Global163716197113
12RSM Shiff Hazenfratz & Co. C.P.A (Isr.) RSM International156661018312
13Baker Tilly Baker Tilly International1043314109816
14Crowe Horwath (Israel) Crowe Horwath International1267610154211
15Barzily & Co. CPAs MSI Global1076311151514
17Chaikin Cohen Rubin & Co. CPA 744077818
18PKF Amit, Halfon PKF International30185331317
19Knobel Beltzer Soraya & Co. MGI3626760125
20HLB Gai, Goffer, Yahav, Guilman, Udem & Co. HLB International2817849326
21Zitnitski Weinstien & Co. MORISON KSI614927319
22Horovitz, Oshrat, Madjar, Apelker, Lugasi - C.P.A 5022812124
23Moualem & Moualem 574098520
24Weksler, Kodenzik, Enoch & Co. 4122665123
25Yardeni, Gelfand, Aberman & Co. 412035627
26Schwartz, Lerner, Duvshani & Co. 3323105633
27Freidkes & Co. Integra International333085529
28Juda Erlich & Co. C.P.A. 301855031
30Gozlan Luria & Co. 201943344
31Yaacov Zitser 2319481
32Ofir Buchnik & Co. CPA 421016022
33Yarel + Partners BKR International241365145
34Aboulafia Avital Shrensky & Co. PrimeGlobal372676728
35Jacob Rousso & Co. C.P.A 271823934
36Stark & Stark CPA IAPA International221034347
37Alkalay Monarov & Co. ACL461545732
38Boaz Mekler - CPA 39184830
39Ezra Kadouri & Co. CPA Isr 231643943
40Gil Halevy Gold CPAs and Consultants 301833640
43Goldberg Proshan & Co. AGN International311443935
44Yosef Shimony, CPA i2an1816450142
45Dov Weinstein & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr) TIAG - The International Accounting Group241424041
46Mintz Gedge & Co. 151322550
47Caspi Duek Koren 251622939
48Yanir, Farkash 1614542
49Kidron & Co. 105219
50SZ Shvarts Zedkia Allinial Global2311442
51Sharon, Steiner, Zilber 15922752
52Amos Katz & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr) 22813146
53Gesser-Rishpi & Co. 151133549
55Goldberg Haggai & Co. C.P.A 131123248
56Hendeles, Goldshtein, Felix & Co. 111053353
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
*Companies listed in Israel & around the world.
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S100 - 2017 yearbook.