
Insurance Companies

Rank 2020CompanyTotal Balance (NIS Millions)Gross premiums (NIS Millions)Total profit (NIS Millions)Total assets in pension funds (NIS Millions)Total assets in provident funds (NIS Millions)Income from management fees- long term savingsEmployees NoName of parent company2019 Rank
Rank 2020CompanyTotal Balance (NIS Millions)Gross premiums (NIS Millions)Total profit (NIS Millions)Total assets in pension funds (NIS Millions)Total assets in provident funds (NIS Millions)Income from management fees- long term savingsEmployees NoName of parent company2019 Rank
1 Harel Insurance Investments & Finance Services
The company trades in Israel
2 Migdal Holdings
The company trades in Israel
171,407.913,709.3137.379,10718,9882,347.64,985Eliahu 19592
3 The Phoenix
The company trades in Israel
4 Menora Mivtachim
The company trades in Israel
5 Clal Insurance Enterprises
The company trades in Israel
6 Direct Insurance
The company trades in Israel
7 Ayalon Holdings
The company trades in Israel
8 Hachshara Insurance Company
The company trades in Israel
20,576.61,711.643.7--128.4486Hachshara Insurance Holdings 7
9Shlomo Insurance Company 4,261.41,186.8122.7---260S. Shlomo Insurance Business Holdings10
10AIG Israel 3,192.21,181.1177---741AIG Holdings Europe9
11Bituach Haklai 1,896.7466.571.3--15.1193-12
12Shirbit 1,533.6531.525.9---227Argos Insurance Holdings (1994)11
13WeSure Insurance Company 197.377.6-1.4---36Hart Digital-
14Libra 11854.6-2.2---66--
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2020yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.