CPA Firms

Accountancy Firms

Rank 2024FirmInternational FirmProfessional Employees (including interns)AccountantsPartners No.Employee No.No. of Listed Companies Audited in Current Year2023 Rank
Rank 2024FirmInternational FirmProfessional Employees (including interns)AccountantsPartners No.Employee No.No. of Listed Companies Audited in Current Year2023 Rank
1EY Israel - Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer EY206074413522002481
2PwC Israel PwC13444728114131222
3Deloitte Israel Deloitte188549112119231293
4KPMG Somekh Chaikin KPMG1530680991596944
5BDO Israel BDO14854468318511195
9MBT Brit Pikuah PRAXITY3249523452-9
10Ben David Shalvi Kop BDSK LEA Global (Leading Edge Alliance)19010010300310
11RSM Shiff Hazenfratz & Co. C.P.A (Isr.) RSM International1909017236211
12Strauss Lazar Nexia International14310910170912
13MSI Barzily & Co. CPA MSI Global Aliance12177181841113
14Baker Tilly Bakertilly International85381388314
15Knobel Beltzer Soraya & Co mgiworldwide62401087415
17PKF Amit, Halfon PKF International3326841817
18Aboulafia Avital Shrensky & Co. Prime Global654916160-19
19Gozlan Luria & Co -4534862-22
20Horovitz, Oshrat, Madjar, Apelker, Lugasi-C.P.A -47327107-18
21Weksler, Kodenzik, Enoch & Co. -2319647120
22Freidkes & Co. Integra International4128660-21
24Juda Erlich & Co. CPA -3824566-25
25Moualem & Moualem C.P.A -4837991-26
26Shimony & Co. XLNC2522581-28
27Yarel + Partners BKR International1915448327
28Schwartz, Lerner, Duvshani & Co. -3423953-30
30Ezra Kadouri & Co. CPA Isr -1615336-32
31Gil Halevy Gold CPAs And Consultants -4326450-31
32Yanir Farkash -2921646-33
33Hendeles, Goldshtein, Felix & Co -1413548-37
34Caspi Duek Koren -4939266-34
36Jacob Rousso & Co. C.P.A -2919241-35
37Yardeni, Gelfand, Aberman & Co. -3019343-38
38Stark & Stark -2310441-41
39Mintz Gedge & Co. -2010239-40
40SZ Shvarts Zedkia Allinial Global3420568-42
41Sharon, Steiner, Zilber & Co -1514232-39
42Amos Katz & Co. Certified Public Accountants (ISR) -329150-43
43Sports & Pen Chen- Certified Public Accountants -119428-44
44Goldberg Proshan & Co AGN2515537-46
45Kidron & Co -129222145
46Mena CPA's -199146-47
47Abramovitz & Israeli, C.P.A (Isr) -65314-49
49Gesser-Rishpi & Co. -1413639-50
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.