
Real-Estate Projects Development and Execution

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Company's Profile

Established: 1975
Line of Business: Real-Estate Projects Development and Execution
Address: 2 Nim Ave., Azrieli Rishonim Tower, 5th floor, Rishon Lezion 7546302
Phone: 972-3-5021666
Fax: 972-3-9677556
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Amir  Rahelevsky, Grofit

    Amir Rahelevsky



    View Profile

    Amir Rahelevsky
  • Ofer  Shneor, Grofit

    Ofer Shneor

    Deputy CEO


  • Menashe  Chen, Grofit

    Menashe Chen



  • Orna  Rahelevsky, Grofit

    Orna Rahelevsky



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About Grofit

GrofitDevelopment Company is a private enterprise with 49 years of experience in the real estate sector. It is successfully owned and managed by Mr. Amir Rachlevsky, a civil engineer and Technion graduate with extensive expertise in real estate, who has successfully led the company. The company specializes in initiating and executing a wide range of large-scale projects, including residential, commercial, office buildings, logistics centers, hospitality, and assisted living facilities. In addition to its development and construction activities, Grofit owns income-generating properties and shopping centers in city centers. The company’s financial stability has earned it a strong reputation among financial institutions, ensuring the success of large-scale projects.
Grofit excels in all stages of real estate development, planning, construction, and service, providing unique added value to its clients. The company’s projects span from Ashkelon in the south to Nahariya in the north, with a portfolio of 1,500 residential units and a planning stock of approximately 4,500 additional units for various market segments, including private buyers, Israel Land Authority tenders, and affordable housing initiatives. Grofit is classified by the Ministry of Construction and Housing as an “unlimited housing company” and holds an unlimited G-5 contractor classification by the Contractors Registrar.

Over a Decade of Urban Renewal Expertise

In response to the growing need for urban improvement, Grofit has been advancing dozens of urban renewal projects over the past decade in various stages of development. These projects are located in cities such as Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, Yavne, Petah Tikva, Pardes Hanna, and other major urban centers, comprising approximately 5,000 residential units. Grofit has successfully completed several demolition and reconstruction projects in prime locations, achieving high satisfaction among apartment owners. The company is recognized as one of the leading firms according to the Dun & Bradstreet 100 and the Real Estate Index.

49 Years of Real Estate Experience and a Commitment to a Better Future

Throughout its history, Grofit has maintained its success in the real estate industry, earning a reputation for quality and excellence. The company is known for its client-focused approach, strict adherence to schedules, high-quality execution, and innovation across a broad array of completed projects. Grofit fosters a culture of service and safety among its employees. The company’s mission is to contribute to a better future for its clients. Grofit employs a dedicated and experienced team, encompassing all necessary disciplines for executing diverse projects. The team includes engineers from the Technion and other universities, as well as meticulous and experienced project managers. This team forms the backbone of the company, enabling it to offer optimal solutions to both private and business clients. Grofit views its employees, clients, and suppliers as partners on its journey.

Selected Urban Renewal Projects – Planning, Marketing, and Construction Phases

• Yavne, Carmel Street - 286 units, under marketing and construction. Phase A occupied, Phases B and C under marketing and construction.
• Bat Yam, Matzada Street - 191 units, in planning.
• Tel Aviv, Herzfeld - 600 units, in planning.
• Pardes Hanna, Lamerechav - 114 units,
in planning.
• Rehovot, Paratroopers Street - 252 units,
in planning.
• Petah Tikva, Kaplan Street - 192 units,
in planning.
• Herzliya, Hadar Street - 90 units, in planning.
• Ramat Gan, San Martin Street - 75 units, under marketing and construction.
• Ramat Gan, Ma’apil Street 6-8 - 73 units,
in planning.
• Netanya, Rabbi Kook Street - 90 units, in planning.
• Tel Aviv, Bloch Streets - 33 units, under marketing and construction.
• De Haas - 41 units, in planning.
• Tel Aviv, Patai Street - 102 units, in planning.

Selected Residential Projects

Grofit has additional residential projects in various stages of planning, permit advancement, marketing, and construction:
• Nahariya, Grofit WEST 115 - 5 buildings with 115 units – final stage before occupancy.
• Ashkelon - 618 units – affordable housing, mixed typology – under marketing and construction.
• Even Yehuda - 154 units – affordable housing, mixed typology – under marketing and construction.
• Pardes Hanna - 71 units, cottages – under marketing and construction.
• Petah Tikva - 100 units – under marketing and construction.
• Hadera – 150 units – in planning.
Income-Producing Properties
Grofit is also active in the income-generating properties sector. The main properties include:
• Lod, Housing Complex - 192 units - active.
• Ashkelon, Housing Complex - 192 units - active.
• Nazareth Illit, Commercial Center - 20,000 sqm - active.
• Binyamina, Commercial Center – 5,000 sqm - active.
• Ashkelon, Commercial Center – 3,000 sqm - active.
• Nazareth, Commerce and Industry - 35,000 sqm – under marketing and construction.
• Rehovot – Student Dormitories, 350 units –
under construction.
• Nursing Home – 220 units – in planning.
Logistic Structures
• 9 dunams in Mevo Carmel – under marketing and construction.
• 100 dunams in Ashdot Yaakov – under marketing and construction.
Land for Assisted Living – Permit Advancement
• Pardes Hanna – 280 units.
• Hadera – 90 units.
• Kiryat Gat - 350 units.
• Tirat Carmel – 230 units.

Hotel Land

• Tel Aviv – 160 hotel rooms - in planning.

Community Activities

Grofit is extensively involved in community activities:
• Donations and volunteering at the “Benji’s Home” in Ra’anana, a home dedicated to lone soldiers from Israel and abroad.
• Renovating homes of those in need whose homes are unfit for living, in collaboration with social services.
• Allocating commercial space free of charge to the Binyamina Local Council for operating the “Hand to Hand” store, which assists those in need with second-hand clothing.

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