Construction & Real Estate

Real Estate Development Listed Companies

Rank 2019CompanyRevenues from DevelopmentTotal Revenues Real Estate InventoryDept / CapCapital/Balance sheetEmployees NoParent Company2018 Rank
Rank 2019CompanyRevenues from DevelopmentTotal Revenues Real Estate InventoryDept / CapCapital/Balance sheetEmployees NoParent Company2018 Rank
6 Prashkovsky
The company trades in Israel
10 Hagag Group
The company trades in Israel
11 PBC
The company trades in Israel
51717403100.70.23232Discount Investment Corporation12
12 Minrav Projects
The company trades in Israel
339.0339.0389.70.30.5831Minarav Holdings 10
13 Dunietz Bros.
The company trades in Israel
18 Bonei Hatihon
The company trades in Israel
19 Hanan Mor Group
The company trades in Israel
245.4247.8380.30.790.1944Hanan Mor Group Investments21
20 Mordechai Aviv
The company trades in Israel
22 Kardan Real Estate
The company trades in Israel
151.6455.0238.20.340.5381Kardan Israel25
25 Jerusalem Economy
The company trades in Israel
27 Neocity Group For Investments And Holdings
The company trades in Israel
28 Electra Real Estate
The company trades in Israel
5.492.026.60.580.4-Elco Holdings29
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page