High Tech

Largest High Tech Companies

by Sales Volume

Rank 2020Company NameSales NIS Millions% Change from Last YearExports/ Overseas Sales% Sales of Total Sales% Change from last yearNet ProfitProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoSales per Employee NISParent CompanySector2019 Rank
Rank 2020Company NameSales NIS Millions% Change from Last YearExports/ Overseas Sales% Sales of Total Sales% Change from last yearNet ProfitProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoSales per Employee NISParent CompanySector2019 Rank
1Intel 23,70067.723,70010067.7---13,6001,742.6Intel CorporationSemiconductors2
2 Elbit Systems
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
16,070.221.412,275.176.4168155.17,400.716,575969.5-Defense industry3
The company trades in Israel
14,64310.610,811.173.89.9320.82.23,10014,922981.3State of IsraelDefense industry4
4 Amdocs
Company shares are traded abroad
14,5671.9---170911.712,095.924,516594.2-Software Development1
6Rafael 9,7074.24,853.550-3.6--4,2418,0311,208.7State Of IsraelDefense industry5
7 Check Point Software
Company shares are traded abroad
8Vishay Israel 6,935-16.36,90499.6-13.2---14,249486.7Vishay Intertechnology Inc.Semiconductors6
9 (1985) Formula Systems
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
6,063.613.02,330.638.48.2336.65.61,457.217,378348.9Asseco Poland S.ASoftware Development9
10 Nice
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
5,610.285,596.199.78.1662.711.87,801.15,996935.7-Software Development10
11 Mellanox Technologies
Company shares are traded abroad
4,742.821.24,701.899.121.2731.115.45,722.62,6601,783-Communication equipment and systems12
12 Tower Semiconductor
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
*Elta 4,398.6233,460.478.728--1,677.23,6461,206.4Israel Aerospace IndustriesDefense industry*
Company data are evaluated
3,900-------3,0001,300KLA - Tencor Corporation (Israel)Electronic Systems13
Company data are evaluated
3,800-------3,3001,151.5Playtika Group IsraelInternet14
Company data are evaluated
15Ironsource 3,218.759.6------8443,813.7-Internet23
16Mobileye 3,102.126.1------1,3782,251.2Mobileye B.V.Electronic Systems19
17 Wix
Company shares are traded abroad
18Flex 2,7000943.5---9763,920688.8Flextronics Central B.VElectronic Systems16
19IBM Israel
Company data are evaluated
2,500-------1,9001,315.8-Software Development17
20 Stratasys
Company shares are traded abroad
2,267.3-4.9----38.7-1.73,999.12,268999.7-Electronic Systems20
21Applied Materials Israel
Company data are evaluated
2,000-------1,6001,250Applied Materials Inc. Electronic Systems24
23Lumenis 1,6684.8------1,4911,118.7Laguna HoldcoMedical equipment25
24Philips Israel 1,556.85.81,432925.3--743.11,594976.7Philips N.V KoninklijkeMedical equipment31
25 Cyber-Ark Software
Company shares are traded abroad
26ECI Telecom 1,361.6-6.71,215.589.3-8.6--221.21,760773.7Swarth GroupCommunication equipment and systems27
27Motorola Solutions Israel
Company data are evaluated
1,250-------9001,388.9Motorola Solutions IncCommunication equipment and systems28
29 PLUS500
Company shares are traded abroad
30 Tremor International
Company shares are traded abroad
31 Sapiens Technologies
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
1,160.911.51,063.491.613.494.48.1773.52,959392.3Sapiens International Corporation N.V.Software Development33
32 Magic
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
1,160.713.5716.861.810.591.27.9914.82,642439.3-Software Development34
33KLA-Tencor (Israel)
Company data are evaluated
1,150-------6001,916.7KLA-Tencor CorporationElectronic Systems21
34 Ceragon Networks
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
1,018-17.71,007.799-17.8-8.4-0.8554.41,042976.9-Communication equipment and systems29
35BMC Software Israel 96766.7------4222,291.5BMC Software Inc.Software Development48
36 Gilat Satellite Networks
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
939.2-1.9939.2100-1.9130.213.9876.48641,087.1-Communication equipment and systems36
37 Perion Network
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
38 Radware
Company shares are traded abroad
39 Maytronics
The company trades in Israel
846.513.1832.198.313.2117.913.9383.17311,158Kibbutz YizreelElectronic Systems43
41 Nova
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
42Finastra Israel Technology
Company data are evaluated
790-------3402,323.5Finastraisrae HoldcoSoftware Development42
43 AudioCodes
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
713.912.7704.598.714.114.22319.6728980.7-Communication equipment and systems47
44Ex Libris 705.616.1694.598.416.1--288.5847833.1-Software Development-
45SK Group 69076219013.3---780884.6-Defense industry46
46Marvell Israel (M.I.S.L) 680.8-4.9680.8100-4.9--519.15601,215.8Marvell InternationalSemiconductors44
47Plasan Sasa 655.5-7.663997.5-3.9--760900728.3Sasa Holdings - Agricultural Cooperative SocietyDefense industry45
Company data are evaluated
650-------5601,160.7Elbit Systems + RafaelDefense industry*
Company data are evaluated
580-------4201,381-Software Development50
49SanDisk - Western Digital Israel 550.7-8.9550.7100-8.9---1,010545.3Western Digital CorporationSemiconductors41
50Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization
Company data are evaluated
550-------600916.7-Software Development51
52Sanmina SCI Israel Medical Systems
Company data are evaluated
510-------600850-Medical equipment53
Company data are evaluated
500-------3601,388.9-Software Development-
54NCR Global
Company data are evaluated
490-------620790.3Moon Holdings S.P.VSoftware Development55
55 Camtek
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
477.77.9477.71007.978.416.4471.13221,483.6-Electronic Systems58
Company shares are traded abroad
439.82.3250.857-,138386.5-Communication equipment and systems59
58Synamedia Technologies Israel 429-24.2429100-24.2--279653657Synamedia (UK)Communication equipment and systems49
59R.H. Technologies 424-14.254.412.8-4.6--105840504.8-Electronic Systems54
60Lightricks 420.3128.8------3501,200.7-Software Development-
61Payoneer Research And Development 417.930.9417.910030.9--77858487.1Payoneer IncSoftware Development63
62DSP Group 417.3-0.8417.3100-0.8---2022,065.8DSP Group Inc.Semiconductors60
Company data are evaluated
65Ophir Opronics Solutions 395.72.9------397996.6Ophir OptronicsElectronic Systems-
66 Allot
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
392.513.9385.698.315-30.9-7.9455.7594660.7-Communication equipment and systems72
Company data are evaluated
68 P.C.B Technologies
The company trades in Israel
383.78.1104.427.2- Systems66
69 Silicom
Company shares are traded abroad
375.1-22375.1100-2236.59.7563.12601,442.8-Communication equipment and systems56
70Random Logic 356-9.6356100-9.6--271600593.3Holdings Public 888Software Development61
71U.S.R Electronic Systems (1987) 3500------550636.4-Electronic Systems69
Company data are evaluated
Company data are evaluated
Company data are evaluated
76Controp Precise Technologies 3302.57021.20---3001,100Rafael + AeronauticsDefense industry-
77 F.M.S.
The company trades in Israel
313.426.1304.697.230.795.530.5299.91412,222.7-Defense industry88
79 Ceva DSP
Company shares are traded abroad
80 Magal
Company shares are traded abroad
309.5-7241.978.1-14.9103.2303.4421735.2-Defense industry73
81Risco Group 298-6281.594.4-7.2--140530562.3-Electronic Systems75
82Degania Silicone
Company data are evaluated
290-------1,400207.1Q International HoldingMedical equipment81
83Monday.com 281.5141------352799.8-Internet71
84MagicJack VocalTec
Company data are evaluated
280-------1302,153.8-Communication equipment and systems78
85Teldor Cables & Systems 2653.5------345768.1-Communication equipment and systems84
86Tuttnauer 264.63.1237.289.63.1--50460575.2FF4-TUTMedical equipment83
87Sysnet - Software
Company data are evaluated
250-------800312.5Anenet Management & Systems Ltd.Software Development89
88S.C.R Engineers
Company data are evaluated
240-------290827.6Scrallflex ManagementElectronic Systems87
Company data are evaluated
235-------255921.6-Electronic Systems90
91Crow Technologies
Company data are evaluated
220-------500440-Electronic Systems91
92Meprolight (1990)
Company data are evaluated
200-------250800OpticorDefense industry96
93Pluristem 192.57.1192.51007.1---652.71611,195.5Pluristem TherapeuticsBio-Tech-
94 Orbit Technologies
The company trades in Israel
184.515.3119.564.7684.3106.91841,002.8-Communication equipment and systems101
95 Sarine Technologies
Company shares are traded abroad
182.9-13172.594.3-12.9-4.9-2.7205.4---Electronic Systems92
96Bird Aerosystems 181.5-6.5181.5100-6.5-10059.4205885.4-Defense industry95
97Mazor Robotics
Company data are evaluated
180-------220818.2Given ImagingElectronic Systems97
98Nokia Israel 162.11.460.937.515.3--26.81531,059.6Alcatel ParticipationSoftware Development-
99 Rada
Company shares are traded abroad
158.256.8112.671.378.1-8.3-5.3143.1167946.2-Defense industry-
100Thales DIS Israel 155.7-314291.2-3.2--93.2991,572.5SENT BV-One B.V.Cyber100
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2020yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.